Surplus Sale
Next Sale: The next public sale will be held on THURSDAY, December 12th, from 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
Come to our sales for:
- Computers (No OS) (Dell 7020,5040,5050,5060,5070)
- Monitors
- Apple items (IMacs, Mac mini)
- Audio stations
- TV Screen
- Keyboard & mouse
- Office items
- etc
All Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community members are welcome!
Surplus sales are usually held monthly on the last Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
The surplus shed is located in 225 South 700 West.
Cash, checks, and debit cards. (During the sale all debit card transactions will be sent to the Cashiers office for purchase). No sales are made until the doors open at the Surplus Sale. No refunds, everything sold "AS IS". Prices are subject to change. The sale is first come first serve. NO CREDIT CARDS ARE ACCEPTED.
Please contact the surplus office with any questions.