What is a Student Loan?

Posted: June 03, 2016 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 1 minutes

Students walking in the snowA loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest, so be sure you understand your options and responsibilities.

The best thing you can do to avoid unreasonable debt is to plan ahead. For helpful tips on planning and preparing for college expenses, visit or .

How much money can you expect to make after graduation? How much student loan debt can you afford? has some excellent that can help you get and idea of what you can afford to borrow.

If a small amount of debt is all that is standing between you and your education, student loans are not a bad way to go. Once you have considered all the above information, you will be able to borrow wisely, complete your education with a minimal amount of debt, and get a head start on your future.

Visit financial aid for more information about student loans.

Find the version of this article in Spanish here: ¿Qué es un Préstamo Estudiantil?

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Blog Financial Aid High School Parents

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