Faculty Friday; Ty Redd, Chemistry

Posted: November 03, 2017 | Author: Lexi Carter | Read Time: 2 minutes

is a professor of chemistry at Southern Utah University whose research ranges from the synthesis and characterization of medicinal compounds to studying the selective separation of molecules including macromolecular host guest relationships. Redd teaches multi-level research courses but is known nationwide for his rigorous year-long organic chemistry curriculum.

Doctor Ty Redd

In addition to his research and teaching, Redd is the director of the 91ɬÂþ Water Lab where he and ,  associate professor of chemistry, provide valuable laboratory experience to students and vital water analysis services to rural Utah. A strong advocate for student learning, Redd involves his students in each step of his extracurricular research.

He earned an associate’s degree in engineering from Utah State University Eastern Utah, a bachelor’s degree in chemistry with a mathematics minor from Southern Utah University, and a doctorate degree in chemistry from Brigham Young University.

Redd teaches the following courses:

  • CHEM 2310/15 Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM 2320/25 Organic Chemistry II
  • CHEM 2990 Introduction to Undergraduate Research
  • CHEM 3990 Undergraduate Research
  • CHEM 4540 Selected Topics in Chemistry
  • PSCI 3800 Dental Practicum
  • PSCI 4980 Student Teaching in Physical Science

Ty Redd in class instructing his students

As an 91ɬÂþ alum, Redd graduated with a deep love for the university and dedication to southern Utah. While he was working for the Office of Naval Research, an old professor called and asked him to apply.

“I decided to come back to 91ɬÂþ and teach, just to see if I liked it,” said Redd. “I loved teaching so much I have stayed here for 28 years!”

During Redd’s career, he has conducted dozens of research projects, resulting in over 20 published papers and immeasurable amounts of information added to the scientific community. He involves students in each step of his research, providing invaluable experience to these future scientists. Because he’s taught aspiring researchers and doctors for 28 years, some of Redd’s first students are now his most trusted healthcare providers.

Online reviews of Redd include sentiments like, “You have never worked like you will in this class. But if you hope to stand a chance in graduate or med school, don’t shy away from Ty’s class - it is the key to success and self-mastery in study and hard work.”

Redd professes his love of 91ɬÂþ as far and wide as possible. He recruits for the university everywhere he goes, including airports, concerts and stores. His courses are often said to be the most challenging at 91ɬÂþ, but the results he produces in his students are undeniable.


This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Faculty

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