Meet 91ɬÂþ’s Student Body President Nouman Kante

Posted: September 24, 2020 | Author: Savannah Byers | Read Time: 3 minutes

Nouman Kante, Southern Utah University Student Body PresidentSouthern Utah University senior Nouman Kante is thrilled to take on the role of student body president for the 2020-2021 school year. Nouman has been heavily involved across campus since his freshman year, and he is ready to step into this new role.

“I’ve been in several leadership positions, and being president was something I thought I could potentially do well and create a bigger impact,” said Nouman. “By working with people who know better than me, I can learn from them and be helpful to as many people as I can.”

Nouman began attending 91ɬÂþ in 2016, and immediately got involved with several organizations and clubs on campus. In addition to working in the International Affairs office, Nouman has also served as president of the African Union Club and as a resident’s assistant for University Housing. Last year, he also served as an upper-division senator with 91ɬÂþ Student Association (91ɬÂþSA).

"Nouman is such a giving leader who puts everyone before himself,” said Heather Garcia, assistant director for student involvement and leadership. “His number one goal is to ensure that students have a voice here at 91ɬÂþ, and since day one he has expressed student concerns to the Presidents' Cabinet in hopes for change, clarification, or support. We are very excited to have Nouman lead out this year and we can't wait to see what he accomplishes. We are lucky to have a servant and positive leader like Nouman.”

This year, the main focus for 91ɬÂþSA’s Executive Council is being intentionally inclusive of all students. 91ɬÂþSA plans to regularly check in with students to address and solve students' concerns- whether they be academic, social, well-being, etc.

“Nouman has the personality to bring everyone together during such a trying and challenging year,” said Garcia. “His smile brightens any room and rallies everyone together towards a cause.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on everyone around the world and each student returning to school has had different experiences. To adapt to this situation, the student government has shifted some of its priorities to accommodate necessary changes.

“We want to know what struggles students face at 91ɬÂþ and how COVID has affected them,” said Nouman. “This will allow me and my team to find ways to change those struggles into a positive experience. We want to encourage our students to come together and get connected on-campus. Everybody should have a friend at 91ɬÂþ.”

Campus life will look different this year. In addition to wearing masks, some of the larger events will be modified to keep students and faculty safe. Nouman wants to encourage students to be proactive about slowing the spread of COVID-19.

“We have to want it,” said Nouman. “Not just myself or the person next to me, but everyone has an important role to play in this situation. If we want to stay open, we need to wear masks, wash our hands often, and social distance.”

Learn more about Nouman:

Students can get in touch with Nouman by visiting 91ɬÂþSA’s website.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Life

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