Advanced Standing in Business

The objective of advanced standing is to ensure preparedness for the upper-division business core courses. The requirements for attaining advanced standing in the department of business are as follows:

  • Complete the pre-business foundation core requirements as defined in this catalog.
  • Complete courses to satisfy pre-business foundation core courses with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (this includes transfer credits).
  • An application for advanced standing must be filed with the department adviser at the end of the semester in which pre-business courses are being completed. Conditional Advanced Standing will be granted at that time, allowing students to take no more than 9 credit hours of upper-division course work in their chosen major. If the student does not complete the remaining credit hours in the pre-business core successfully, in order to comply with the 2.5 GPA requirement, Conditional Advanced Standing will be revoked. Students with revoked Conditional Advanced Standing will not be allowed to take further upper-division courses until the 2.5 GPA standard is met.
  • When the pre-business core is successfully completed, the student will then be granted Advanced Standing status. At this time, the student must declare a major from one of the composite business majors offered through the department (Accounting, Finance, Management or Marketing).


Please see your academic advisor before your registration opening date.


Dixie L. Leavitt School of Business