Physical Education Degree - Teaching/Coaching

(39 credit hours)

The Physical Education and Human Performance degree in Teaching/Coaching is a certifiable major and minor approved for secondary teaching licensure at 91ɬÂþ. This degree is intended to provide students who wish to pursue teaching careers with the necessary knowledge, experience and training to become effective and competent teachers and coaches.

Required Courses

General Education Core (See page 106 in catalog)
Core Course Requirements 17-18 credits
Knowledge Area Requirements (must take PE 1098, BIOL 1020/1025) 19 credits
University Requirements
BS Degree - Math or Science minimum requirement (12 hours)
PE Core Courses: (35 hours) Credit Pre-Requisties
PE 1830 - Fundamentals of Individual/Dual/ Team Sports I 2  
PE 1870 - Fundamentals of Individual/Dual Team Sports II 2  
PE 2000 - Introduction to PE & Coaching 2
KIN 3050 - Motor Learning 3  
KIN 3060 - Sport & Exercise Biomechanics 3 KIN 2020 or BIOL 2320/2325
KIN 3065 - Sport & Exercise Biomechanics Lab 1 KIN 3060 (co-requisite)
KIN 3070 - Exercise Physiology  3 BIOL 1020/1025 or BIOL 2420/2425
KIN 3075 - Exercise Physiology Lab 1 KIN 3070 (co-requisite)
KIN 3080 - Athletic Training & Sports Medicine 3 KIN 2020 or BIOL 2320/2325
KIN 3085 - Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Lab 1 KIN 3080 (co-requisite)
PE 3090 - Adaptive Physical Education 3  
KIN 4010 - Methods of Sport Conditioning 3 KIN 3070
PE 4710 - Evaluation in Physical Education  3  
PE 4740 - Coaching Leadership and Administration 3  
PE 4750 - Psycho-Social Aspects in Athletics  3  
PE 4900 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education 3  PE 1830, 1870 (Fall Semester only)
NFS 1020 - Foundations in Human Nutrition 3
** PE 1543 - Adv. First Aid/CPR (Class or Card)    


Coaching & Officiating Courses (4 Credits): Select 4 credits from the following Credit
PE 2810 - Football Coaching & Officiating 2
PE 2820 - Soccer Coaching & Officiating 2
PE 2830 - Volleyball Coaching & Officiating 2
PE 2840 - Basketball Coaching & Officiating 2
PE 2850 - Baseball Coaching & Officiating 2
PE 2860 - Softball Coaching & Officiating 2
PE 2870 - Track & Field Coaching & Officiating 2



Coaching Track

Core Options: Choose three options (9 credits) Credits Pre-Requisite(s)
COMM 4507 - Sports Administration and Management 3
KIN 4070 - Advanced Exercise  3 KIN 3070/3075
NFS 3020 - Nutrition as Related to Fitness and Sports 3 NFS 1020
PE 4860 - Physical Education Practicum  3
PSY 4330 - Theories of Learning 3 PSY 1010
SOC 3270 - Sociology of Sports 3
Complete an additional 2 credits of a coaching and officiating course (must be different than those completed under "Coaching and Officiating Courses section") 2

Teaching Track

Pre-Admission Courses Credits Pre-Requisite(s)
EDUC 2100 - Principles of Curriculum and Instruction 3
EDUC 2200 - Educational Psychology  3
EDUC 2400 - Schools, Society, and Diversity 3
SPED 2030 - Educating Exceptional Students 3
Initial Teacher Education Program Courses
SCED 3180 - Instructional Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 Admission to Education Department Required 
SCED 3570 - Secondary Classroom Management  3
SCED 3590 - Instructional Planning, Delivery, and Assessment 3
SCED 3720 - Content Area Literacy and Utah Core 2
PE 4900 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education 3
Advanced Teaching Education Program Courses
SCED 4520 - Practicum/Induction Seminar 3 SCED 3570 and SCED 3590
SCED 4980 - Secondary Student Teaching 6 Admission to Student Teaching
PE 4980 - PE Student Teaching  3

Four Year Degree Plans