Policy Approval Process

Below are summaries of the Southern Utah University policy approval process, which is set out in more detail in 91ɬÂþ Policy 0.0 Policy on Policies. That policy is the controlling document. This is provided for quick reference and information only.

New Academic Policies and Other Substantive Changes

  1. Department, association, council or University employee recommends new academic policy or substantive change to academic policy.
  2. Review by the Faculty Senate. 
  3. Review by the Dean's Council.
  4. Review by other relevant University council, association, and/or department.
  5. Review by the President’s Cabinet.
  6. Proposed policy sent to University employees for review and comment (21 day comment period.)
  7. Review by President’s Leadership Council.
  8. President decides whether the proposed policy is forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
  9. If forwarded, Board of Trustees votes on whether to approve or disapprove the policy.
  10. Final policy published online upon an approval by Board of Trustees.

New Non-Academic Policies and Other Substantive Changes

  1. Department, association, council or University employee recommends new academic policy or substantive change to academic policy.
  2. Review by applicable University council, association, and/or department, if any.
  3. Review by the President’s Cabinet.
  4. Review by President’s Council.
  5. Proposed policy sent to University employees for review and comment (21 day comment period.)
  6. Review by President’s Leadership Council.
  7. President to determine whether the proposed policy is forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
  8. If forwarded, Board of Trustees votes on whether to approve or disapprove the policy.

  9. Final policy published online upon an approval by Board of Trustees.

Non-Substantive Amendments for All Policies

  1. Department, association, council or University employee recommends non-substantive amendment to policy.
  2. Cabinet member (Vice President or equivalent) with authority for policy reviews the recommendation.
  3. Vice President approves or disapproves implementing the recommendation. Any approval may require edits.
  4. Vice President provides notice to the President’s Leadership Council within reasonable time.
  5. Final policy published online.

Renumbering a Policy

Follow the steps listed above -- Non-Substantive Amendments for All Policies.

Retiring or Rescinding a Policy

Follow the steps listed above -- Substantive Changes for All Policies.


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