Preliminary Outline for Policy Planning and Drafting (Step 2)

Does there need to be a new policy or edits to an existing policy?
- See Policy Need Assessment

If there is a need for a new policy or policy edits, please continue with this page prior to starting those edits or drafting. Please also first review Policy Drafting Tips to help streamline the policy drafting process.

Policy Preparation Questionnaire

  1. Identify relevant 91ɬÂþ policies and USHE policies.
  2. State the purpose of the policy. Also, include a summary of the details that you will cover.
  3. State the scope of the policy. What is applicable jurisdiction? To whom does it apply? When does the policy apply?
  4. State who will be obligated to do what under the policy. For example, will each employee have an obligation to fill out a form? Will the supervisor have the obligation to approve or make decisions? Will a certain unit have responsibility for related training? Will the University as a whole have any obligations? Consider others, as well. These are examples and not an exhaustive list. This table will assist you in focusing on what language is needed as you draft the policy.
    Who (Particular Employee, Supervisor, Student, Cabinet, etc.) Description of Obligation or Requirement Imposed Upon the Person Listed Applicable Process and/or Form Related Existing Policies
  5. Are there exclusions or special situations that need to be addressed in the policy?
  6. State any terms, abbreviations, and acronyms that will be used repetitively in the policy or that are not commonly known and would benefit from being defined in the policy. Include the definitions.
  7. State what office will be listed as the responsible office for questions related to the policy and updates.
  8. State any relevant deadlines for policy adoption.
  9. State the costs, both direct and indirect, associated with the proposed policy.
  10. Identify who will draft the policy or policy edits.
  11. Identify who needs to provide input, either based on the subject matter and based on the approval process applicable to the type of policy.
  12. Consider what forms are needed and draft them. For example, is there an approval form that can help streamline the policy language by incorporating the form into the policy? Is there a checklist that would be helpful to those implementing or following the policy?
  13. Refer to: How to Write Policy 


Office of Legal Affairs