2023 fall horror film fest poster

91ɬÂþ Horror Film Fest

We will be hosting a mini-horror film competition with two nights of horror film screenings.

This event is free and open to everyone, whether student, faculty, staff, community member, or visitor; competition is for students only.

Horror Film Fest 2023 Events

Student-Made Mini Horror Film Screenings + Awards

When: Monday 10/30/2023 4:00-7:30PM
Where: The Sharwan Smith Theater

Horror Film Screening +  Lecture

When: Tuesday 10/31/2023 4:30-7:00PM
Where: The Sharwan Smith Theater

Horror Film Fest

Call for Entries!

Any Questions?

Have any questions about this event? Contact us!

Eva Sanchez
Outreach Librarian


Past Horror Film Fests

Explore past Horror Film Fests

Fall 2023

This is the first one!