91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.11 
SUBJECT: Facilities Management Operations


The purpose of this Policy is to establish guidelines for operation of 91ɬÂþ facilities.


  1. Southern Utah University Policy 5.1 Free Speech and Advocacy on Campus
  2. Southern Utah University Policy 7.4 Facilities Renovation and Space Allocation




  1. Facility Modification and Installations: 91ɬÂþ Facilities Management is mandated by the State of Utah to provide maintenance and construction for state owned facilities and infrastructure in a manner that meets the Division of Facilities and Construction Management (DFCM) standards, and maximizes the usefulness and cost effectiveness of these facilities. Facilities Management must be involved with any alterations, installations, or additions to existing facilities, structures, and grounds area, to assure proper coordination, unbiased approval, documentation, supervision, and inspections.
  2. Any person or department desiring to make a change to any campus facility must make such requests to Facilities Management in accordance with Policy 7.4.
    1. Projects approaching the DFCM fiscal limits for agency-managed projects, including design, material, and labor must be coordinated with DFCM through 91ɬÂþ Facilities Management.
  3. Facilities Management must approve in writing all access to roofs, tunnels, and mechanical rooms. Only authorized personnel are permitted in these areas.
  4. Any digging, excavating, filling, or paving on campus requires the notification of Blue Stakes. Approval must be obtained prior to any such activity.
  5. Facilities Management must approve in writing all utility line connections or disruptions (electricity, water, gas, sewer, etc.). Connection or disruption of phone, data, or other IT related utilities will require notification in writing to the 91ɬÂþ IT Department and must include coordination with Facilities Management. Approval for non-emergency events is required at least 72 hours prior to disruption of service. Response to all emergencies must be coordinated through Facilities Management.
  6. Signs, Banners, and Posters: All groups or persons posting commercial or non-commercial signage or communication on campus must do so in compliance with Policy 5.1. All signs, postings, and installations (i.e. posters, lawn signs, banners, fliers, signs, or other communication) must comply with the requirements of this policy and meet the standards established by DFCM.
  7. Facilities Management assigns and manages room numbering.
  8. Hazardous Materials: Risk Management, housed within Facilities Management, is charged with the responsibility for chemical waste disposal and has the authority to stop any activity which is immediately hazardous to life or health. Full copies of the Southern Utah University Chemical Hygiene Plan and Waste Management Plan can be obtained by contacting Facilities Management.
  9. Any event or activity that involves attaching recreational equipment (i.e. rappelling, slack-lining, zip-lining, etc.) to campus buildings, structures, and/or landscape features is prohibited.
  10. Unsafe conditions or procedures on campus or inside any University building should be reported as soon as possible to the University Call Center or to the 91ɬÂþ Campus Police.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Operations. For questions regarding this Policy, contact Facilities Management.


Date Approved: November 2, 1990

Amended: May 7, 2004; February 1, 2013; March 20, 2015; March 25, 2020