91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.13 
SUBJECT: Facility Utilization and Rental


The purpose of this Policy is to establish policy for using and/or renting facilities for conferences, meetings and special events (excludes scheduling for academic instruction).






  1. General Policy
    1. Event Services, a department within the University’s division of Alumni and Community Relations, is responsible for the daily operation of the Hunter Conference Center and the associated Mountain Center. Event Services also serves as the point of contact for the scheduling and coordination of all on-campus facility utilization, with the exception of the scheduling of classrooms for the purpose of academic instruction. Conferences, meetings, camps, and events of all types, including student events, held on the campus of Southern Utah University are scheduled through Event Services.

      In addition, Event Services staff is responsible for the needs of clients who reserve campus facilities. This includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Facilities Management set up and clean up
      2. Audio/video and technical needs
      3. Food services
      4. Billing
      5. Security needs and safety concerns
    2. Event Services will assess appropriate charges to cover actual direct costs which may include but is not limited to additional labor, equipment and resources. Administrative fees, as well as rental fees as outlined in the classifications below may also apply. Based on the information provided at the time the reservation is received, an estimate will be provided.
    3. The University and Event Services reserve the right to alter a confirmed reservation to facilitate the most appropriate utilization of campus resources. Safety and security issues may also be considered. The University retains the right to cancel or reschedule an event due to unforeseen conflicts or for other prudent reasons. By special exception, the President’s Office may supersede policies, procedures and fees.
  2. Event and User Classifications
    1. Campus Events
      1. Campus Events are defined as events hosted by students, faculty, or staff of the University for members of the 91ɬÂþ community to include students, faculty and staff. (See Section IV.B.1.b. below for exceptions) These events may or may not include the public. Campus Events normally incur no rental fee; however, direct charges apply, i.e. food, on-campus housing, audio/visual, technicians, etc. No administrative fees are assessed for Campus Events.
      2. Exceptions: Certain departments are, by the nature of their responsibilities, required to host events which provide an unequivocal benefit to 91ɬÂþ, but do not directly serve students, faculty, or staff. Provided such events are part of the department’s mission, outlined within a grant document or within the scope of an employee’s direct responsibilities, they can be classified as Campus Events. Examples include, but are not limited to, Alumni, fundraising events associated with University Advancement and Athletics.
      3. Individual department events with a recruiting component are classified as Campus Sponsored Events (see Section IV.B.2.).
      4. In support of professional development and in acknowledgment of the value-added when faculty and staff align with their corresponding state professional association, meetings held on campus for such groups will not be subject to rental charges or administrative fees; however, state association conferences or needs beyond a standard room set-up will be subject to the Campus Sponsored Events criteria outlined below.
    2. Campus Sponsored Events

      Campus Sponsored Events are defined in one of two ways:
      1. Events that are the result of a formalized professional partnership between on campus and off campus entities are classified as Campus Sponsored. If a group not directly affiliated with the University has an on-going relationship with an on-campus program, service or department, the group may qualify for a discount of 25% on room/facility fees. Such relationships must be formally documented with a letter from the campus director/dean of the affiliated program, service or department. This letter should outline the nature and duration of the relationship and the value added. Acknowledged partnerships will need be reviewed and when appropriated, renewed every 12 months. Direct charges and administrative fees will apply. To qualify for this discount, one or more 91ɬÂþ employees/students must participate in the entire event.
      2. Events sponsored or hosted by a member of the University when the purpose may or may not be directly related to their direct responsibilities or role and the primary audience (participant) is not 91ɬÂþ students, faculty or staff. Direct charges and administrative fees apply. Building rentals may be discounted by 25%. Examples include, but are not limited to: academic high school conferences or competitions and in-service training for area professionals.
    3. Outside Events

      Outside Events are defined as events involving a group, organization or individual that has no affiliation with the University. In this case, use of the facilities and services is a direct benefit to one’s own cause, independent of the University and its mission. These events are priced to cover all expenses, including direct charges, facility rental and administrative fees as determined by Event Services. Such events include, but are not limited to, family reunions, weddings, business meetings, corporate retreats, and community events.

      The Executive Director for Event Services may make exceptions to classifications in unique circumstances or may refer requests to the Event Services Advisory Committee for review. (See Section IV.C.)
    4. Not for Profit or Charitable Community Events

      Not for Profit or charitable organizations may reserve 91ɬÂþ space and services when available. A 25% discount on facilities is available upon proof of non-profit status. All direct charges including catering, labor, and administrative fees will apply.
    5. Iron County Schools

      As per the reciprocal agreement between 91ɬÂþ and Iron County School District (ICSD), room rental fees for events or activities directly related to the mission of the ICSD and approved by its leadership, will be waived. Direct charges such as catering, labor and administrative fees apply.
  3. Event Services Advisory Committee
    1. When a group wants to challenge its user classification, it can request a review by the Event Services Advisory Committee which is comprised of campus representatives (see IV.C.4.). The decision of the Committee is final.
    2. The Event Services Advisory Committee is designed to provide feedback to the office of Event Services on policy, procedure and fee structure.
    3. In addition, the committee will review and provide feedback to the Executive Director on requests for fee waivers, exceptions to policies and the re-classification of events.
    4. Committee membership includes the following:
      1. Faculty representative (1) – appointed by the Faculty Senate
      2. Staff Representative (1) – appointed by the Staff Association
      3. Student representative (1) - appointed by the 91ɬÂþSA/STIL
      4. Facilities Management (1) Representative – appointed by VP/Facilities
      5. Cedar City/Brian head Tourism Bureau (1)
      6. Director of Centralized Scheduling (Chair)
      7. Representatives from University Police and Student Involvement and Leadership, in addition to the Executive Director of Event Services, serve as non-voting ex-officio members.
  4. Priority Scheduling of the Sharwan Smith Student Center (SSSC)
    1. Southern Utah University student organizations are afforded the privilege of having first priority in scheduling the Sharwan Smith Student Center because of the financial support of the building provided by enrolled students through their student fees; therefore, scheduling of events/program space in the SSSC is done based on the following priority system:

      First Priority: Recognized student organizations
      Second Priority: 91ɬÂþ Faculty and Staff
      Third Priority: Off campus groups

      This priority applies for all requests submitted by May 31 for events scheduled to occur in the forthcoming academic year. After May 31, all requests will be granted on a first come, first served basis.
    2. Within recognized student organizations (first priority above), the following scheduling hierarchy applies:

      First Priority: 91ɬÂþSA Student Activities Board
      Second Priority: 91ɬÂþSA Executive Council, Senate and Clubs & Student Leadership
      Third Priority: 91ɬÂþSA Registered Student Organizations
    3. While on or off campus entities can submit SSSC reservation requests for the upcoming year prior to the May 31 deadline, these requests will only be considered, on a first come, first served basis, after student organization requests (submitted by May 31) have been considered and scheduled, if appropriate.
    4. Exceptions to this priority system may apply at the discretion of the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership, in consultation with the Executive Director of Event Services and the 91ɬÂþSA President.
    5. Exceptions to this policy that will be considered include, but are not limited to:
      1. Events steeped in University tradition like Homecoming, Family Weekend, and Founder’s Day that typically occur annually.
      2. Admissions recruitment events that require advanced planning and marketing.
      3. Conferences/meetings that require more than a year to plan in order to secure speakers and/or to correspond with circuit events hosted in conjunction with other entities.
      4. Administration events (typically those with some urgency).
  5. Campus-Wide Policy Application

    There will not be any exceptions for scheduling, discounting, or prioritizing any groups housed on, supported by, or affiliated with the University unless specifically stated within this policy and supported by Event Services and/or the Event Services Advisory Committee.


The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Alumni and Community Relations. For questions about this Policy, contact Guest Services.


Date Approved: September 23, 2005

Amended: May 6, 2006; December 3, 2008; August 19, 2011; March 22, 2012