91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.37 
SUBJECT: University Motor Pool


The purpose of this Policy is to provide guidelines for the operation of the University Motor Pool as a service enterprise, and to provide guidelines for the maintenance of all University vehicles.






  1. The University's Motor Pool service is for the use of University departments on official business of the University. Clubs, organizations, individuals (other than those on official business for a University department), other State agencies, or any other entities, regardless of their association with the University, may only use Motor Pool vehicles for University authorized travel or for State of Utah authorized travel. Motor Pool is not authorized to accept any cash or check payments.
  2. Safety:
    1. All drivers must complete the “Safe Driving Course” prior to taking a vehicle. The safe driving course must be completed once every two (2) years.
    2. Drivers must adhere to the legally posted mile per hour speed limit, and should drive slower during poor weather conditions.
    3. Each occupant must wear a seatbelt at all times. The number of occupants per vehicle is limited to the number of seat belts available per vehicle.
    4. No smoking or alcohol is allowed at any time in Motor Pool vehicles.
    5. No animals are allowed in Motor Pool vehicles.
  3. Vehicle Use:
    1. Vehicles will be scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
    2. A completed travel authorization is required before a vehicle will be released.
    3. Every driver must have a current valid driver’s license in their possession.
    4. All drivers must comply with 91ɬÂþ Motor Pool and State of Utah Fleet Operations vehicle use procedures.
    5. Fifteen-passenger vans are not to be used except in rare circumstances, and only with the written permission of the Motor Pool Manager.
    6. Any mechanical problems or damages must be reported to the Motor Pool Office.
    7. Motor Pool vehicles are covered by State of Utah liability and automobile physical damage insurance. Each non-student traveler should be individually listed on the travel authorization.
    8. Motor Pool vehicles should only be fueled using the state “GasCard” system. In emergency situations Motor Pool vehicles may be fueled at non-“GasCard” sites, only after every “GasCard” option has been exhausted. “GasCard” may only be used for purchasing fuel. The vehicle’s current odometer must be entered correctly each time the vehicle is fueled, or the driver may be fined.
    9. Every driver should exercise reasonable care and judgment in the use and care of the vehicle as a prudent person would do for their own vehicle.
  4. Repairs:
    1. Repairs of Motor Pool vehicles will be done only by the Motor Pool, or a Motor Pool authorized agency.
    2. In case of emergency, repairs must be reported to and/or approved by the Motor Pool manager. or the State of Utah Motor Pool agents, as soon as possible.
    3. All University vehicles will be serviced by Motor Pool once every four (4) months or every 5,000 miles, whichever comes first.
  5. Students: The use of University Motor Pool vehicles by unaccompanied students, on recognized University business, is limited and discouraged, but may be authorized if:
    1. The advisor to the student group requesting travel must recommend the travel and justify the purpose of the travel request.
    2. A travel authorization stating this is a “student only trip” must be approved.
    3. An advisor is required to accompany students if the trip is out of state.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Finance. For questions about this Policy, contact Fleet Operations.


Date Approved: February 28, 1991

Amended: May 6, 2006