91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.40 
SUBJECT: Alcoholic Beverages


As a matter of institutional policy, Alcoholic Beverage possession, consumption, purchase, and distribution are generally prohibited on campus; however, there may be times when Alcoholic Beverages are permitted on campus for ceremonies, receptions, fundraisers, and/or private events sponsored by University departments or other clients who rent University facilities. This Policy outlines the procedures for approval of Alcoholic Beverage consumption on grounds or in facilities owned or operated by Southern Utah University, as well as University expectations.

Policy specific to student rights, responsibilities, and conduct relative to Alcoholic Beverage possession and/or consumption can be found in University Policy 11.2.


  1. Southern Utah University Policy 5.9 Drug-Free Workplace
  2. Southern Utah University Policy 5.24 Purchasing
  3. Southern Utah University Policy 11.2 Student Conduct Code
  4. Utah State Code


  1. Alcoholic Beverage: a drinkable product that:
    1. is intended or created for consumption;
    2. contains at least 0.5% of alcohol by volume (ABV); and
    3. is obtained by fermentation, infusion, decoction, brewing, distillation, or other process that uses liquid or combinations of liquids to create alcohol in an amount equal to or greater than 0.5% of alcohol by volume.
  2. Beer: an Alcoholic Beverage that is obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of malt or malt substitute which contains at least 0.5% of alcohol by volume and no more than 5% alcohol by volume. Beer may include ale, porter, stout, lager, a malt, a malted beverage, or seltzer.
  3. Heavy Beer: an Alcoholic Beverage obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of malt or malt substitute that contains more than 5% alcohol by volume and/or contains propylene glycol-, ethyl alcohol-, or ethanol-based flavoring agent that contributes to the overall alcohol content of the Heavy Beer.
  4. Liquor: an Alcoholic Beverage that is spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt, or a combination of liquids a part of which is spirituous, vinous, or fermented. Liquor includes Heavy beer, Wine, and flavored malt beverages, but does not include Beer.
  5. Wine: an Alcoholic Beverage obtained by the fermentation of the natural sugar content of fruits, plants, honey, or milk, or other like substance whether or not another ingredient is added. Wine includes hard cider.


  1. Events at which Alcoholic Beverages are served may be allowed on campus in accordance with established Utah law and University guidelines.
  2. All members of the campus community have a stake in ensuring that when Alcoholic Beverages are served it is done so in a responsible manner. The use of Alcoholic Beverages in any campus facility is a risk management concern because of state statute and personal safety; therefore, Alcoholic Beverage service will only be permitted in an environment where alcohol consumption is in moderation and where a majority of the attendees are of legal drinking age.
  3. Approval Process
    1. Requests for Alcoholic Beverage service will be made through Guest Services. Requests for Alcoholic Beverage service must be made at least 30 days prior to the day of the event.
    2. The event request will be reviewed by the Manager of Guest Services, the Director of Dining Operations, the University Chief of Police, and the Vice President for Finance.
    3. If there is unanimous approval, a recommendation to allow Alcoholic Beverages to be served at the event will be forwarded to the University President or their designee for final consideration.
  4. Alcoholic Beverage Service
    1. When Alcoholic Beverages are served at events hosted on the campus of Southern Utah University, all applicable state laws will apply as well as the following:
      1. Service is restricted to Beer and Wine. With the exception of Wine, no Liquor will be served or sold on the campus of Southern Utah University.
      2. Alcoholic Beverages will only be served by an approved bartender. Bottles will not be made available on tables or in “self-serve” locations.
      3. Any events serving Alcoholic Beverages outdoors on campus or an area controlled by the University must have a physical barrier between the area open to the general public and the area where Alcoholic Beverages are being distributed.
      4. The University’s contracted food service provider retains exclusive right and responsibility to serve the Alcoholic Beverages.
      5. All costs associated with this service will be assumed by the client.
    2. When the event is sponsored by a representative/client not affiliated with the University, the client must agree to do the following:
      1. Secure a state alcohol permit, if applicable.
      2. Provide a copy of the executed permit no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled event.
      3. Assume all costs associated with securing the permit, to include the application fee and the state-mandated surety bond.
      4. Purchase the Alcoholic Beverages to be consumed from a licensed Utah retailer. The University’s contracted food service provider does not provide Alcoholic Beverages.
      5. Assume responsibility for all direct and indirect costs associated with the service to include security staffing if required by University Police.
      6. Client is responsible for providing a certificate of liability insurance naming the University as an additional insured.
    3. When the event is University-sponsored, the University’s legal counsel works with the sponsoring entity to secure state permits, if applicable. In addition, the sponsoring entity must agree to the following:
      1. Assume responsibility for all direct and indirect costs associated with the service to include security staffing if required by University Police.
      2. Purchase the Alcoholic Beverages to be consumed from a licensed Utah retailer. The University’s contracted food service provider does not provide the Alcoholic Beverages or to reimburse incurred expenses associated with Alcoholic Beverages.
      3. Any donation of Alcoholic Beverages must be made known at the time of request for Alcoholic Beverages service.
  5. Consumption Restrictions
    1. University non-E&G funds may be used to purchase Alcoholic Beverages, only for events properly authorized.
      1. All purchases of Alcoholic Beverages must be made in accordance with appropriate University practice and approvals.
      2. Nothing in this Policy should be understood or construed to override or otherwise alter the provisions and responsibilities outlined in 91ɬÂþ Policy 5.24 or state and federal law.
    2. Alcoholic Beverage consumption is not permitted in any residential facility owned or operated by the University.
      1. Full-time employees of University Housing with live-in responsibilities may consume or have, for personal use, Alcoholic Beverages within their private residence if such employees are of legal drinking age.
      2. Nothing in this Policy should be understood or construed to override or otherwise alter the provisions and responsibilities outlined in 91ɬÂþ Policy 5.9 or state and federal law.
    3. Alcoholic Beverage consumption is not permitted in any academic classroom.
    4. Permission to serve Alcoholic Beverages at an event during the work week before 4:00 p.m. will not be granted.
  6. Right of Refusal: Southern Utah University reserves the right to refuse any request for Alcoholic Beverage service on the grounds or in facilities owned or operated by Southern Utah University.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Office of the President. For questions about this Policy, contact Guest Services.


Date Approved: July 19, 1991

Amended: June 11, 2010; August 19, 2011; April 25, 2024