91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.55 
SUBJECT: Web Services


The purpose of this Policy is to govern Southern Utah University’s web presence ensuring an accurate and consistent content, and an appropriate aesthetic and message.


  1. Southern Utah University Policy 5.51 Information Technology Resources


  1. External Web Solutions: Domain registration, web hosting, security certificates, themes, plugins, or any service used in the creation of a website.


  1. Scope: This Policy governs all public facing web sites appearing on the World Wide Web created by or for Southern Utah University (91ɬÂþ) and which purport to be officially part of the University. It does not include third-party web content created with third-party tools for professional profiles/portfolios in regard to 91ɬÂþ work.
  2. Web sites must comply with all copyright and accessibility laws of the United States, all other applicable local, state, and federal laws, and applicable policies (including but not limited to Policy 5.51, rules and guidelines of Southern Utah University), including those defined below.
  3. All web sites will adhere to the standards set forth in the Southern Utah University web requirements at the link in Section V. Links to current applicable laws are available in the requirements and are hereby incorporated into this Policy by reference.
  4. Any unit wishing to conduct web-based commercial activity, including receipt of online credit card payments, must receive permission from the 91ɬÂþ Bursar to ensure proper security and receipting procedures are being followed.
  5. Links to commercial entities must be related to the University's mission of instruction, service, and research and must not imply endorsement by the University.
  6. All names used to represent the University must be official names recognized by the Office of Marketing Communication and can be found in the University Branding Guidelines.
  7. All University entities with a web presence, excluding faculty/staff pages, will have a designated Web Liaison, as assigned by their respective director/chair, to serve as a contact with Web Services. Web Liaisons are responsible for factually accurate content, high editorial standards, and timeliness of information. Instructions and responsibilities for Web Liaisons can be found at the link in Section V.
  8. Web Services retains authority to approve, disapprove, or modify the development of all materials on 91ɬÂþ web servers.
    1. The distribution and promotion of unique or new 91ɬÂþ web addresses must receive prior approval from Web Services.
    2. The procurement, purchase, or creation of External Web Solutions associated with 91ɬÂþ must receive prior approval from Web Services, IT Operations, and Marketing Communication.


The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Finance. For questions about this Policy, contact Web Services.


Date Approved: October 10, 2003

Amended: August 24, 2017; June 7, 2024