91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #11.1 
SUBJECT: Constitution of the Southern Utah University Student Association [TEMPORARY]


The purpose of this Policy is to establish a fair and representative student government, and to create guidelines to ensure proper representation of the student body.


  1. Utah Code


  1. 91ɬÂþSA Member: Members of Southern Utah University Student Association are all matriculated full-and part-time, undergraduate and graduate Southern Utah University students paying the full corresponding fees. When this Constitution refers to the membership or members of 91ɬÂþSA it is referring to this population of students.


  1. Preamble
    1. We, the students of Southern Utah University (or 91ɬÂþ), to create a fair and representative student government, do hereby establish this constitution (herein “Constitution”) for the Southern Utah University Student Association (or 91ɬÂþSA).
    2. The purpose of Student Government within 91ɬÂþSA is to:
      1. Represent the student body in the decision-making and policy-development processes as prescribed in University policy;
      2. Voice student concerns to 91ɬÂþ Administration;
      3. Promote unity within 91ɬÂþSA;
      4. Review and make recommendations concerning student fees;
      5. Support student involvement and activities;
      6. Promote quality education in all aspects of student life;
      7. Communicate with all its members; and
      8. Provide leadership opportunities to its members.
    3. The purpose of the Student Programming Board within 91ɬÂþSA is to:
      1. Plan activities both on and off campus, for all enrolled students of 91ɬÂþ;
      2. Responsibly use student fees to create social opportunities and experiences;
      3. Research ways to increase Student Involvement;
      4. Provide leadership and planning opportunities to its members;
      5. Understand the needs of the Student body as pertain to entertainment and activities;
      6. Communicate with all its members; and
      7. Co-sponsor events with other organizations on campus.
    4. The purpose of the Student Marketing Team within 91ɬÂþSA is to:
      1. Market activities and important information, to all enrolled students of 91ɬÂþ;
      2. Promote 91ɬÂþSA events;
      3. Advertise social opportunities and experiences;
      4. Support clubs and organizations at 91ɬÂþ;
      5. Provide leadership and marketing experience to its members;
      6. Understand the needs and wants of the Student body and effectively market to them;
      7. Communicate with all its members; and
      8. Help promote events hosted by other organizations on campus.
  2. Members of Southern Utah University Student Association are all matriculated full-and part-time, undergraduate and graduate Southern Utah University students paying the full corresponding fees. When this Constitution refers to the membership or members of 91ɬÂþSA it is referring to this population of students.
  3. The Executive Branch
    1. The Executive Branch is composed of the Student Body President, the Vice President of Academics, the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations, the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Programming, the Vice President of Marketing, the Chief of Staff, the Chief Justice, and all other directors and assistant directors deemed necessary by the Executive Council.
    2. The Executive Council of 91ɬÂþSA Student Government is composed of the Student Body President, the Vice President of Academics, the Vice President of Clubs and Organizations, the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Programming, and the Vice President of Marketing, the Vice President of DEI, the Chief of Staff, and the Chief Justice. The Student Body President will serve as Chair. Officers of the Executive Council are popularly elected by 91ɬÂþSA during the spring semester election, aside from those that are appointed through the proper process.
    3. The Student Body President shall appoint a Chief of Staff to serve on the Executive Council. The Chief of Staff will assist the President in managing all 91ɬÂþSA Officers and Staff.
    4. The Chief Justice shall serve as a member of the Executive Council.
    5. The Student Body President will preside over each 91ɬÂþSA Vice President. Each Officer of the Executive Council shall chair either their respective organization (SPB/Marketing), or one (1) 91ɬÂþSA Committee as determined by the 91ɬÂþSA governing bylaws. The committees will be formed from members of the Student Senate.
    6. All executive powers and responsibilities are vested in the Student Body President. The Student Body President shall:
      1. Act as the official representative of 91ɬÂþSA on and off campus;
      2. Approve or veto all 91ɬÂþSA budget and allocation decisions made by the Vice President of Finance and the Budget and Finance Committee;
      3. Review all bills and resolutions from the Student Senate. The Student Body President may exercise veto power pursuant to Section IV.H. (Presidential Vetoes and Veto Override);
      4. Serve as a member of the Southern Utah University Board of Trustees;
      5. Manage all staff members employed by 91ɬÂþSA Student Government;
      6. Assume additional duties and responsibilities as determined necessary by the Executive Council, Student Senate, Southern Utah University policy, or the 91ɬÂþ President’s Council;
      7. Ensure that the governing bodies and officers of 91ɬÂþSA comply with all record-keeping provisions and applicable state law; and
      8. Serve on the General Student Fee Committee.
    7. The Vice President of Academics shall:
      1. Preside over the Student Senate. The Vice President will not vote, except in the case of a tie;
      2. Propose bills on behalf of the Student Senate during the summer semester;
      3. Serve as a non-voting member of the Southern Utah University Deans Council;
      4. Serve as the chairperson and spokesperson for the Constitutional Amendment Committee (CAC);
      5. Assume additional duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Student Body President, Executive Council, and Student Senate; and
      6. Assume the office of Student Body President if the President is removed from office or vacates.
    8. The Vice President of Clubs and Organizations and Organizations shall:
      1. Serve as the Chair of the Clubs and Organizations Committee:
      2. Train Clubs and Organizations Committee members;
      3. Enforce the bylaws, rules of order, and policies established to govern the operations of the Clubs and Organizations Committee and recognized student clubs and organizations;
      4. Appoint new Committee members in the event of a vacancy;
      5. Coordinate training for registered 91ɬÂþSA student clubs and organizations;
      6. Maintain the official club calendar in concert with the Clubs and Organizations Committee;
      7. Manage the Clubs and Organizations Committee budget; and
      8. Assume additional duties and responsibilities by the Student Body President, Executive Council, and Student Senate.
    9. The Vice President of Finance shall:
      1. Serve as the Chair over the Budget and Finance Committee
      2. Train Budget and Finance Committee Members;
      3. Enforce the bylaws, rules of order, and policies established to govern the funding and accounts of Clubs and Organizations;
      4. Appoint new committee members in the event of a vacancy;
      5. Oversee the 91ɬÂþSA budget and provide monthly reports to the Student Senate as well as the Executive Council during the summer semester;
      6. Recommend how student fees should be used for the academic year;
      7. Serve as a member of the General Student Fee Committee;
      8. Appoint controllers to assist in managing all 91ɬÂþSA funds; and
      9. Assume additional duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Student Body President, Executive Council, and Student Senate.
    10. The Vice President of Programming shall:
      1. Act as an official representative of 91ɬÂþ on and off campus;
      2. Preside over the Student Programming Board;
      3. Approve all student activities and confirm that they comply with all University and State codes;
      4. Manage all staff employed by the Student Programming Board;
      5. Ensure SPB is represented in the weekly Event Scheduling Meeting;
      6. Serve on the SPB Director Selection Committee;
      7. Assign Event Directors their individual duties and responsibilities;
      8. Oversee the SPB budget and all allocations;
      9. Hold regular meetings with all Event Directors and any additional staff;
      10. Ensure that the all officers of SPB comply with all record keeping provisions and applicable state law;
      11. Use 91ɬÂþ student fees to create a fun and social atmosphere at Southern Utah University; and
      12. Hold the power to veto decisions made by the SPB Board of Directors.
    11. The Vice President of Marketing shall:
      1. Assist in hiring, training, and leading Marketing Directors and Marketing Assistant Directors;
      2. Assist in planning Marketing retreats, trainings, and team functions;
      3. Plan and coordinate marketing meeting at large;
      4. Work closely with the VP of Finance to establish the marketing budget and allocate funding accordingly;
      5. Attend all Executive Council meetings;
      6. Serve as a positive liaison and partner with 91ɬÂþ's main marketing communications office;
      7. Strive to represent the student voice through all marketing mediums; and
      8. Other duties assigned by the 91ɬÂþSA President and the Student Involvement and Leadership Advisors.
    12. The Chief of Staff shall:
      1. Assist the Student Body President in managing all 91ɬÂþSA Officers and Staff;
      2. Attend all Executive Council meetings;
      3. Head special projects as assigned by the Student Body President and the Executive Council; and
      4. Assist the Student Body President in any other assignment, role, or committee at the discretion of the Student Body President.
    13. In the event of a vacancy or vacancies within the offices of the Executive Council, the organization will follow the procedure as outlined in the Governing Bylaws.
    14. The Executive Council, along with the ratification of the Student Senate, shall have the power to make all regulations and institute all procedures which shall be necessary and proper for executing the above-mentioned powers, responsibilities and privileges, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Executive Council or officer thereof.
  4. The Legislative Branch
    1. The Student Senate is chaired by the Vice President of Academics and is comprised of elected Academic Senators from each respective college (as well as other academic organizations as outlined in the governing bylaws), appointed individuals from Interest Groups on campus, and one (1) Assistant who shall be appointed by the Vice President of Academics. This assistant is a non-voting member. The Executive Council is to attend all Student Senate meetings, serving as non-voting members. Exact numbers of Senators and Representatives are found in the 91ɬÂþSA Governing Bylaws.
    2. Academic Senators are popularly elected during the annual 91ɬÂþSA election, or in subsequent special elections as deemed necessary. They will serve on the Student Senate as well as on 91ɬÂþSA Committees as appointed by the Executive Council.
    3. Each Senator shall serve as a member of the Academic Senate, chaired by the Vice President of Academics. The purpose of this Senate is to:
      1. Assist Senators in facilitating academic initiatives;
      2. Develop academic policy bills for the Student Senate;
      3. Coordinate with the Deans' Council to set and achieve goals; and
      4. Ensure that Senators are properly representing their constituents.
    4. Special Interest Representatives shall be appointed by the Interest Group they represent and ratified by the Executive Council. Each Representative shall also serve on 91ɬÂþSA Committees as appointed by the Executive Council.
    5. The Student Senate shall meet once a week during the fall and spring semesters and as prescribed by the Vice President of Academics. All voting must be conducted within this allotted time period.
    6. The Student Senate is to:
      1. Commit to at least one (1) Senate meeting a week as prescribed by the Vice President of Academics as well as one (1) meeting a week within their appointed Committees;
      2. Vet, review, and discuss all bills sent by the Committeeman Academic Senate. Once the review process is over the Student Senate shall vote to ratify or reject the reviewed bill. If a bill does not meet the requisite votes from the Student Senate it is sent back to the Committees for revision;
      3. Approve all implemented policies and procedures for the fair and orderly use of identified student space, equipment, and resources within 91ɬÂþSA jurisdiction;
      4. Ratify all 91ɬÂþSA budgets at the beginning of each fall semester for the next academic year;
      5. Approve funding requests from 91ɬÂþSA student clubs and organizations that are above $200;
      6. All funding requests from non-registered student groups or individuals must be brought to the Student Senate;
      7. Ratify all appointed Executive Council members in the event of a vacancy; and
      8. Participate in campus-wide committees, as needed.
    7. In order for the Student Senate to have quorum, they must have ⅔ of the standing Student Senate present during the scheduled weekly meeting. If the Student Senate does not obtain quorum, they will be unable to vote on any bills. In special circumstances, the Student Senate may utilize an online vote/conference to conduct business. Votes for the Student Senate meetings may not be submitted via proxy.
    8. During the Student Senate meetings each bill will be read by an appointed representative of the committee sponsoring the bill. A bill must have ⅔ majority vote in order to pass. When passed, and signed by the Student Body President, a bill shall have all the privileges and authority written within its presented format.
    9. The Assistant to the Senate will take role during all Student Senate meetings, and will notify all organizations and advisors of any absences. The Chief Justice shall serve as Parliamentarian of the Student Senate.
    10. The Student Body President can veto any approved bill according to Section IV.H. (Presidential Vetoes and Veto Override).
    11. During the summer semester, the Student Senate shall not be in session. In the summer semester, the following procedures shall be in force:
      1. During this time, the Vice President of Academics may make proposals of budget requests to the Chief Justice for review;
      2. All bills and budgets made under these circumstances should be counseled with Student Senate members when possible;
      3. No bills pertaining to policy or Constitutional review may be considered during the summer semester. Only bills pertaining to funding requests may be proposed;
      4. No more than 20% of the Student Senate budget may be allocated during this summer semester;
      5. The Chief Justice shall review bills and budgets for constitutionality and shall have power to dismiss any such with a written note explaining why the proposal(s) were unconstitutional; and
      6. If approved by the Chief Justice, these bills and budgets may be signed or vetoed by the President. If signed, they will act in full force until the Senate is in session.
  5. Special Interest Representatives
    1. The Special Interest Representatives are comprised of students appointed from designated Student Organizations to be a member of the Student Senate for the academic year. Each representative will be a voting member of the Student Senate.
    2. The Executive Council will select the designated Student Organizations and number of representatives. The selected Student Organization shall then choose a representative(s). All Representatives must be ratified by the elected Executive Council.
    3. If a Special Interest Representative is absent for more than three (3) Student Senate meetings the Student Senate will then review the status of the Student Organization’s membership.
    4. If a Student Organization wants to change their representative they must go through the ratification process as prescribed in the 91ɬÂþSA procedures.
  6. The Judicial Branch
    1. The Judicial Branch shall be composed of the Chief Justice and two (2) Associate Justices. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices will comprise the 91ɬÂþSA Supreme Court.
    2. The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the 91ɬÂþSA advisors after each election cycle.
    3. The Chief Justice shall appoint two (2) Associate Justices. These appointees must be confirmed by ⅔ vote of the Student Senate.
    4. A member of 91ɬÂþSA may be eligible for appointment to the 91ɬÂþSA Supreme Court if they satisfy the eligibility requirements enumerated in the 91ɬÂþSA Governing Bylaws. If appointed, they must forfeit any current role within 91ɬÂþSA.
    5. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices shall serve a term of one (1) year, beginning at the start of the summer semester.
    6. The Chief Justice will:
      1. Preside over the Supreme Court during their regular meetings, and during the review and hearing processes unless they are the subject of review or have an active grievance filed against them;
      2. Act as the spokesperson for the Supreme Court;
      3. Preside over the impeachment and/or removal of any elected or appointed officials unless they are the individual being impeached and/or removed;
      4. Review all proposed summer legislation proposed by the Vice President of Academics for constitutionality;
      5. The Chief Justice is required to meet biweekly with the Vice President of Academics to review bills;
      6. Serve on the Student Life Enhancement Committee;
      7. Appoint Associate Justices to the Supreme Court; and
      8. Serve as Parliamentarian of the Student Senate.
    7. Associate Justices will:
      1. Serve as members of the 91ɬÂþSA Supreme Court;
      2. Assume the Chief Justice position—appointed by the 91ɬÂþSA Advisors—in case of a vacancy; and
      3. Serve on either the Clubs and Organizations Committee or the Budget and Finance Committee, assigned by the Chief Justice.
    8. The 91ɬÂþSA Supreme Court will:
      1. Hear and decide duly-filed grievances against appointed and elected officers of 91ɬÂþSA Student Government;
      2. Hear and decide duly-filed grievances against student clubs and organizations;
      3. Attend and advise hearings on violations of the election bylaws;
      4. Certify election results;
      5. Fulfill other responsibilities as outlined in the 91ɬÂþSA Governing Bylaws;
      6. Periodically review the 91ɬÂþSA Constitution, governing body bylaws, and all policies and procedures to ensure they are consistent with each other and this Constitution; and
      7. Serve as student representatives on the University Appeals Board.
    9. In the event that a member of the Supreme Court declares to run for an elected office within 91ɬÂþSA Student Government, the 91ɬÂþSA Advisors will appoint a 91ɬÂþSA officer to fulfill their duties during the election process in their place. Upon the close of the election process, the Justice shall resume their complete role.
  7. Advisors
    1. Advisors are determined by the Vice President of Student Affairs.
    2. The Advisors shall:
      1. Be present at all meetings of the Student Senate as well as any meeting of which their presence is requested;
      2. Work with 91ɬÂþ’s Division of Academic Affairs, assuring proper student representation on all Academic Committees;
      3. Act as consultant to the Student Government.
    3. If an Advisor is unable to attend a required meeting they may select a designee from the Student Affairs Division to represent them during their absence.
    4. The Student Government Advisors do not have a vote on the Student Senate or Committee meetings, but may provide advice and voice concerns or opinions.
    5. A Student Government Advisor may consider vetoing a bill/decision if:
      1. It is not aligned with the 91ɬÂþSA or University mission and vision:
      2. Infringes upon, or harms student rights;
      3. It is not designated use of the 91ɬÂþSA student fee.
    6. Any veto made by a student government advisor must be followed by a formal letter of explanation as to why the bill/decision was vetoed. This must be submitted in writing to 91ɬÂþSA within 24 hours. Vetoes made by the Student Government Advisor can be appealed by any member of the 91ɬÂþSA Student Government. The appeal must be brought to the Vice President of Student Affairs. Upon receipt of the appeal request, the Vice President of Student Affairs must:
      1. Review a letter of appeal written by a(n) 91ɬÂþSA member(s).
      2. Review advisor’s letter of explanation for veto.
      3. Offer an opportunity for an open forum to hear further concerns (advisors cannot attend).
    7. The Student Government Advisors may be reviewed at the end of the academic year by the Student Senate. A report must be provided to the Vice President of Student Affairs for their consideration.
  8. Presidential Vetoes and Veto Override
    1. Any 91ɬÂþSA bill, resolution, budget and funding proposal, or policy passed by a ⅔ vote of the Student Senate shall take effect when it is signed by the Student Body President.
    2. The Student Body President has the authority to veto any bill, resolution, budget and funding proposal, or policy passed by the Student Senate. A vetoed measure must be returned to the Student Senate accompanied by the reasons for vetoing the measure and any recommendations the Student Body President may have for improving the measure. Reasons and recommendations must be shared in a written memorandum.
    3. The Student Senate may override a Presidential veto on any bill, resolution, funding proposal, or policy by passing the exact same measure with a ¾ vote. With an affirmative override vote, the measure will take effect.
      1. Vetoed measures cannot be amended and then passed by ¾ vote. An override can only be applied to a measure that remains unchanged.
      2. When necessary, Presidential recommendations should be used by the Student Senate to create a new bill, resolution, funding proposal, or policy that complies with recommendations provided.
    4. Should the Student Body President fail to sign or veto a bill, resolution, funding proposal, or policy within three (3) school days of receipt, the measure will automatically become effective on the next day.
  9. Impeachment and Removal
    1. An officer of 91ɬÂþSA Student Government may be impeached for:
      1. A violation of this Constitution, any 91ɬÂþ policy, handbook, code of conduct or municipal, state and federal law;
      2. A violation of the Election Bylaws or other applicable bylaws; or
      3. Failure to satisfy the duties and responsibilities of one’s office as specified by this Constitution.
    2. The impeachment process is comprised of the following steps:
      1. Petition to Impeach
        1. A member of 91ɬÂþSA may initiate the impeachment process by filing a petition with 100 printed names with signatures and corresponding T-numbers filed with a member of the Supreme Court. The petitioner must also specifically state the alleged violation of policy so a student signing the petition can make an informed decision as to whether they want to sign.
        2. The petition must be verified by the Supreme Court with the assistance of the 91ɬÂþSA Advisor no later than one (1) week after it was received by a member of the Supreme Court.
      2. Formation of an Impeachment Committee
        1. If the petition is verified as complete and legitimate, the Chief Justice must form an Impeachment Committee within three (3) school days of verifying the petition.
      3. The Committee will consist of:
        1. The Chief Justice;
        2. Two (2) Associate Justices;
        3. Three (3) voting members of the 91ɬÂþSA Student Senate;
        4. Two (2) 91ɬÂþ students selected at large; and
        5. An 91ɬÂþSA Advisor.
      4. There must be a majority of ⅔ membership present in an Impeachment Committee meeting in order to conduct official business.
      5. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices shall choose the voting members of the Student Senate and at-large students in an effort to appoint an unbiased committee.
      6. No one being considered for impeachment may be a member of the Impeachment Committee.
      7. The Chief Justice shall serve as the Chair and spokesperson of the Impeachment Committee and shall have one (1) vote. In the event that the Chief Justice is absent, the Chief Justice shall assign one of the Associate Justices to Chair the proceedings.
    3. Review and Evaluation of the Allegation
      1. The Impeachment Committee shall undertake deliberations on the validity and merit of the allegations, and should thoroughly review and evaluate all the available evidence.
      2. At the conclusion of deliberation, the Chief Justice shall conduct a secret ballot vote of the Impeachment Committee. If the majority of Impeachment Committee members find merit in the allegation, then the officer shall be impeached.
      3. The review and evaluation of the allegation shall take no longer than 10 school days commencing from the time the impeachment committee is formed. Official notice of the Impeachment Committee’s decision shall be given in writing to the accused officer and the Vice President of Academics within 48 hours of the decision, and the notice shall initiate the removal process.
    4. The removal process is comprised of the following steps:
      1. Student Senate Hearing
        1. Upon the Vice President of Academics receiving official notice of the Impeachment Committee’s decision, they will schedule a special session of the Student Senate to hold a hearing to consider removal of the impeached office. This special session will be scheduled to provide the impeached officer with at least five (5) school days to prepare for the hearing, and must occur during a week when classes are in session. Written notice of the date and time of the special session will be given to the impeached officer once the special session is scheduled.
        2. The special session will provide the impeached officer the opportunity to hear the evidence and arguments being presented against them, and also to present evidence in their favor.
        3. The impeached officer may have an Advisor help prepare and attend the hearings. An Advisor may not speak or directly advocate for the accused officer during the hearing to prevent undue influence from an authority figure.
        4. The Vice President of Academics shall preside over the hearing unless they are the impeached officer for whom the session has been called. In the event the Vice President has been impeached, the Student Body President shall preside over the meeting.
        5. A quorum of the Student Senate must be in attendance at the special session in order for the hearing to commence. At least one (1) 91ɬÂþ administrator from the Division of Student Affairs must be present at the hearing.
        6. This special session of the Student Senate will not be open to the public.
        7. The session will proceed according to the following format:
          1. Once the session is called to order by the presiding officer, the Vice President of Academics (or the Chief Justice when applicable) will read the allegation from the petition to impeach and also read the decision of the impeachment committee.
          2. The impeached officer shall be allotted a reasonable amount of time to present any evidence, argument, or witness to the Student Senate. Members of the Senate will have an opportunity to ask any questions following the impeached officer’s presentation.
          3. Following the questions, the impeached officer will be allowed to provide a summation and any closing remarks they feel will be helpful to the Student Senate prior to its deliberations.
          4. Following the impeached officer’s summation, they will be required to leave the hearing so the Student Senate can debate the merits of the accusation and determine the appropriate outcome. The debate shall alternate between proponent and opponent speeches and will be governed by the Student Senate’s adopted rules of order.
          5. After the debate, the presiding officer shall put the question of removal to the Student Senate and conduct a vote.
          6. All votes will be collected and the presiding officer will announce the result of the vote. Only a vote of ¾ of the votes cast in the Student Senate hearing will result in the removal of the impeached officer.
        8. All proceedings of the Student Senate’s removal hearings are confidential. Only the Student Senate’s decision will be made public.
      2. Official Notice of the Student Senate’s Decision
        1. The presiding officer shall draft a letter and provide a copy of the hearing minutes to the impeached officer regardless of the outcome.
        2. When the Student Senate’s decision results in removal, the letter will also include notice of an opportunity to appeal.
    5. The Appeal Process
      1. An impeached and removed officer of 91ɬÂþSA may appeal the Senate’s decision to the Dean of Students. Appeals must be filed within one (1) week of the Student Senate’s decision.
      2. The impeached and removed officer may only appeal the Student Senate’s decision if they believe there was a violation of due process and/or have additional evidence that was not available before or during the Student Senate’s decision.
      3. An appeal to the Dean of Students shall be the final step. The Dean of Students' determination will be final and may either uphold or reject the Student Senate’s decision.
      4. In the event the Dean of Students rejects the Student Senate’s decision, the impeached officer will retain their office.
    6. Throughout the impeachment, removal, and appeal process, the accused officer will continue to function in their official capacity and receive the benefits of their office.
    7. Once a decision to remove has been confirmed at all levels, the impeached and removed officer shall have all benefits of their office revoked.
    8. The Executive Council, by a ⅔ vote, may release appointed officials from their positions and revoke all associated benefits without the impeachment and removal process. The only exception will be the Supreme Court who must be impeached and removed.
  10. Constitutional Amendments
    1. Amendments to this Constitution will be considered by the Constitutional Amendment Committee (CAC) composed of the following individuals:
      1. The Vice President of Academics (Chairperson and Spokesperson);
      2. The Vice President of Clubs and Organizations;
      3. Three (3) Senators appointed by the Vice President of Academics;
      4. Three (3) Directors appointed by the Vice President of Clubs;
      5. One (1) Director from the Student Programming Board appointed by the President of Student Programming Board;
      6. Two (2) Special Interest Representatives from the Student Senate appointed by the Executive Council; and
      7. Two (2) students appointed at large by the Student Body President.
    2. The majority of the CAC must be present in order to conduct official business. Each member shall have one (1) vote on all items submitted to them. A majority vote of the CAC is required for an amendment to pass the CAC.
    3. Any member of 91ɬÂþSA may propose an amendment to this Constitution.
      1. Proposed amendment(s) not made by the CAC must be accompanied by a petition signed by at least 5% of the total 91ɬÂþSA membership.
      2. The petition must include the following information:
        1. A written statement clearly defining the change to constitution;
        2. A written rational statement explaining the changes to the constitution; and
        3. Each student’s signature, printed name, and T-number for the purpose of verifying the legitimacy of the petition.
      3. The written/proposed amendment(s) from the CAC shall be forwarded to the 91ɬÂþSA Student Senate for its consideration.
    4. If the Student Senate agrees to the amendment(s) as presented to them, it will be forwarded to the President’s Council for their consideration. If the Student Senate does not agree with the amendment(s) as it is presented to them, then the Student senate should (1) commit or refer the amendment(s) back to the CAC or the sponsor of the petition for further revisions with it recommendations noted or (2) postpone the amendment(s) indefinitely. Any revisions to the amendment(s) after being committed back to the CAC should be forwarded to the President’s Council to ascertain their agreement.
    5. Once the CAC, the Student Senate, and the President’s Council agree on the amendment(s), the membership of 91ɬÂþSA will have the opportunity to approve or disapprove the amendment(s) during the general election or a special election called for the purpose of amending this Constitution. If the amendment(s) fails to garner the support of a majority of the 91ɬÂþSA membership voting in the election, the amendment(s) is voided and cannot be reintroduced during the same academic year it was placed on the ballot. If the amendment(s) garners the support of a majority of voters voting in the election, the amendment(s) will be incorporated into this Constitution. Once voting is over, the newly-formed Constitution will go to the 91ɬÂþ Board of Trustees for its approval. Should the Board of Trustees reject this Constitution as amended, it is void and cannot be reintroduced until the next academic year.
  11. Ratification and Review of the 91ɬÂþSA Constitution
    1. The 91ɬÂþSA Constitution will be ratified by:
      1. A ⅔ vote of the Student Senate;
      2. A majority vote of the 91ɬÂþSA membership voting in the election;
      3. The 91ɬÂþ President’s Council; and
      4. The 91ɬÂþ Board of Trustees.
    2. Once ratified by the above-mentioned entities this Constitution shall be effective at the end of the current Academic school year.
    3. The entire 91ɬÂþSA Constitution shall undergo an official review by the officers of 91ɬÂþSA every three (3) years following its ratification. During a review year:
      1. The Student Body President shall appoint a committee of four (4) members from the Student Senate. Two (2) from the previous Student Senate and two (2) from the current Student Senate. If there are no eligible Senators from the previous Academic year then four (4) members from the current Student Senate may be used.
      2. The committee shall be formed by a newly-elected Student Body President during the first month of their term of office. The formation of the committee should take place during the spring so the appointed officers have the summer to review and consider the strength of this Constitution.
      3. At the beginning of the immediately ensuing fall semester, the Review Committee will meet and recommend amendments, if any, to the CAC. The amendment process will then proceed as outlined in this Constitution.
  12. Transparency in Governance
    1. The governing bodies and officers of the 91ɬÂþSA Student Government will follow the Utah Open Meetings Act and the Government Records and Access Management Act (GRAMA).
    2. All bills, resolutions, applications for funding, receipts, meeting minutes, and other documents will be kept on file for four (4) years and be available for public inspection. The Student Body President will have the responsibility to ensure this record-keeping occurs, and may assign the Chief of Staff to oversee this function.


The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Student Affairs. For questions about this Policy, contact the current 91ɬÂþSA Chief Justice or the Assistant Director for Student Involvement and Leadership.


Date Approved: May 3, 1991 (as Policy 5.42)

Amended: March 22, 2002; July 26, 2006 (as Policy 11.1); September 20, 2008; December 3, 2008; June 6, 2011; January 29, 2010; October 11, 2013; January 13, 2017; January 17, 2020; March 19, 2021; March 24, 2022; July 1, 2024 (temporary authorization until November 28, 2024)