How to Edit/Revise an Existing Policy

The following steps will guide you through the process of editing a policy that already exists. If you need to create a new policy from scratch, please see How to Create a New Policy.

Before beginning, review the articles on the Policy Resources page. If you are making extensive changes to the policy, it’s recommended to review the information under “Planning & Drafting” in addition to the “Writing & Editing” section.

The Policy Style Guide & Writing Manual will be especially helpful with formatting any changes or additions.


Navigate to the current policy on the 91ɬÂþ Policies website. Always use the policy that's available on the official Policies website, as it is the most up-to-date and accurate version.

NOTE: Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers are highly recommended. We can’t guarantee the policy formatting will be preserved when using other browsers such as Safari or Microsoft Edge.


Highlight the entire policy text (from the "POLICY #" to the "Dates Amended" sections). Copy the text using the right-click button function, Ctrl+C, or ⌘+C as appropriate.

NOTE: Do NOT use the "Printer Friendly and PDF" button at the top of the page to copy the policy text. There are known formatting issues with the service, as well as them adding additional unnecessary URLs within the text itself. Please only copy and paste from the webpage directly.


Paste the copied text into a blank Word document using the original policy formatting using either the simple paste function or the merge formatting options. (In other words, please do not use the "paste without formatting" option.)

Please do not use any other word processing software, as we can’t guarantee that the Track Changes portion as outlined in Step 4 will work the same. The University provides the Microsoft Office Suite free of charge to all employees. Contact the IT Help Desk if you do not have access to Microsoft Word.

NOTE: You will notice that the 91ɬÂþ Seal does not copy/paste into the new document. You are welcome to leave it off or paste it separately into the document, whichever you personally prefer.


After the policy text has been pasted, activate the Track Changes function within the Review tab ribbon. This will strikethrough any text you delete and underline any text you add in addition to tracking changes to spacing, lists, etc. This feature also allows changes to be accepted or rejected by the approving party and immediately integrated into the final document.

Turning on Track Changes in Microsoft Word

Do not use any color. The default color through Track Changes is red and should be changed to black. This can be adjusted in the advanced options of the tracking group.

Finding the Tracking Options in Microsoft Word

Track Changes Options display in Microsoft Word

Advanced Track Changes Options for colors in Microsoft Word

Track Changes Example:
To make changes to the text in the body of the policy, open the Word version electronic copy of the policy,and activate Track Changes within the review tab of the ribbon. This will strikethrough any text you delete and underline any text you add in addition to tracking changes to spacing, lists, etc. This makes it much easier to track what is being changed deleted and what is being added yet while maintainings the format of the policy.

IMPORTANT: Do not make any changes to the titles or formatting of Sections I-VII. These sections follow the official University policy template and should not be altered.

IMPORTANT #2: If the policy revisions are a wholesale replacement (i.e., a complete or near complete rewrite), simply strikeout the entirety of the old text and insert the new text above it for each individual section.


As edits are made, save the Word document with the following naming convention: DRAFT P#.# Policy Name v1 (for the first draft).

NOTE: Any time further revisions are made after the policy has been distributed internally, re-save the edited policy as DRAFT P#.# v2 (for a second draft), DRAFT P#.# v3 (for a third draft), etc. This naming convention will allow the University administration to keep track of which version is the latest, most accurate version to move forward in the revision and approval process.


The final draft policy will be retained by the appropriate Vice President, who will shepherd the policy through the approval process.

Do NOT send the edited policy as a PDF to your VP. The Word document will be converted to a PDF by the administration, but your VP must receive the Word file so they can make any further edits as recommended by the Cabinet, President's Leadership Council, the campus review period, etc.


You can follow the policy’s approval steps with the .

Once it has been approved by the University's Board of Trustees, the policy will be updated online within five (5) business days.