About Alumni Relations

Our Alumni

The Southern Utah University Alumni Association traces its roots back to 1911 when its first known executive committee consisted of Parley Dalley, Kate Palmer, Hattie Mackelprang, Annette Webster, Rass Macfarlane, E.B. Dalley, Mamie Jones and Myrtle Decker.

In the years since, hundreds of others have followed in the footsteps of that original committee and have stood as a bridge linking the history and traditions of the past to the current challenges and ideas of their day.

Today, the Alumni Association and Alumni Relations Staff carries on the legacy as it supports and celebrates the University by fostering a lifelong spirit of loyalty, service, and fellowship among alumni, faculty, students, and friends of 91ɬÂþ.

Alumni Demographics

A report on Alumni statistics in 2021. 2022 Alumni Engagement Report

Alumni Relations Staff
