Business Undergraduate FAQ

  1. What is Advanced Standing?  Advanced Standing is a status that can be achieved in the 91ɬÂþ School of Business by completing all of the prerequisites for the business majors (ACCT 2010, 2020; ECON 2010, 2020; MATH 2040 and CSIS 2010).  Advanced Standing must be awarded prior to enrollment in any upper-division business courses (3000-4000 level).  Advanced Standing
  2. Is Advanced Standing required of all majors?  No, the only majors who will apply for Advanced Standing are the business majors (Accounting, Business Education Finance, Management & Marketing).  Majors in Hotel, Resort & Hospitality Management and Economics will not apply for Advanced Standing, but will need approval to take any 3000-4000 level courses in the 91ɬÂþ School of Business.
  3. When do I apply for Advanced Standing and how do I apply?  An application for Advanced Standing should be submitted by the student during the term that the prerequisites are being completed.   An application may be picked up in the 91ɬÂþ School of Business Office or can be accessed on the following web-site:  Advanced Standing Application .  The completed application is then turned into the 91ɬÂþ Business Advisor.
  4. Is it necessary to declare my major in business quickly?  It is recommended that a student declare their major in any area of business as soon as possible (since some courses are limited to business majors only).  Without an accurate major declaration, many course offerings may not be available.  In addition, proper declaration of a student’s major will insure that scholarships and award recipients are identified quickly and accurately.
  5. What is the pre-business core?  The pre-business core is the list of prerequisite courses required for Advanced Standing.  The pre-business core consists of the following courses:  ACCT 2010, 2020; ECON 2010, 2020; BA 1000; CSIS 2010; MATH 2040, 1100 (or ECON 2500); ENGL 2040; and PSY 1010 or SOC 1010.  This selection of courses should be taken before a student begins the upper-division business major courses.  The first 7 courses listed above are the specific courses that are required to apply for advanced standing.  Pre-Business Core
  6. What majors does the 91ɬÂþ School of Business offer?   The 91ɬÂþ School of Business offers four business majors:  Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing.  All four business majors are composite majors.  Composite majors do not require a minor.  In addition, the school offers three non-business majors:  Business Education; Hotel, Resort & Hospitality Management and Economics.
  7. What are the math requirements for the business majors?  The math requirements for Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing consist of the following courses:  College Algebra (MATH 1050), Business Statistics (MATH 2040) and Business Calculus (MATH 1100 or 1210) or Quantitative Methods (ECON 2500).
  8. How do I know if my courses will transfer to 91ɬÂþ?  There are two areas that need to be addressed in relation to transferable equivalents:  One, the general education course evaluation and two, the major course evaluation.  If a student is transferring general education courses, the first contact should be the 91ɬÂþ Registration Office.  Any general education courses that will be evaluated will be handled through the registration office ~ 435-586-7715.  The business major courses will be evaluated by the 91ɬÂþ School of Business.  If a student is transferring within the State of Utah, many of the prerequisites have already been articulated:  Transfer 
    If the course in question is not listed on the web-site, it is preferred to have the business school evaluate the content.  Contact the 91ɬÂþ Business Advisor for an evaluation ~ 435-586-5462.
  9. When should I begin taking my prerequisites for my major?  Many students elect to begin their college experience with general education courses and many students can take up to two terms in the general education before they must begin prerequisites in their major.  However, it is necessary for business majors to take math courses quickly as part of the general education process.
  10. How many credits do I need to graduate?  To graduate from 91ɬÂþ a student must accrue 120 total credits (40 upper-division credits).   Graduation
  11. Do I need to take electives to graduate?  Students pursuing a degree from 91ɬÂþ must complete their general education requirements, major requirements and minor requirements (if needed for their major).  If the above requirements equal 120 total hours (40 upper-division hours), no electives are necessary.
  12. Which catalog do I use?  The catalog to be used will be determined by the student’s first term enrolled at 91ɬÂþ.  If the student remains at 91ɬÂþ (enrolled continuously), the catalog will not change.  If a student leaves 91ɬÂþ for over one term, the student will be put on the catalog the year of re-enrollment.  If a student will be leaving for over 1 term, it is advisable to apply for a ‘deferral of catalog’ through the 91ɬÂþ Admission Office.  If this is done, arrangements can be made to use the original catalog upon return to 91ɬÂþ.
  13. How can I apply for a departmental scholarship?The following website will help answer questions regarding departmental scholarships.
  14. What courses are available in the 91ɬÂþ School of Business and how do I know if I can take them?  All of the course descriptions for the business courses are found at the following site:  Course Descriptions .  The prerequisites and the term offered are also found at this site.
  15. If I have questions concerning the career opportunities in a business major, with whom would I speak?   All of the department chairs and faculty can be accessed in the School of Business Directory.
  16. If I am a Hotel, Resort & Hospitality Management Major, do I have to take the pre-business core? No, the pre-business core and advanced standing is for the business majors only. To take the 3000 level courses in the HRHM major, it will only be necessary to take courses in the proper prerequisite order. See the course descriptions link for prerequisite information: Course Descriptions


Dixie L. Leavitt School of Business