Contract Definitions

Authorized Alternate
An individual designated to act on an Authorized Signatory’s behalf in matters requiring signatures on Contracts as outlined in Policy 7.7. (This policy has been approved internally, and is waiting for approval from the Board of Trustees). An Authorized Alternate may exercise such authority in the planned or occasional absence of an Authorized Signatory.
Authorized Signatory
University administrators expressly authorized to sign University contracts to bind the University.
Any legally executed University agreement for Goods or Services or document that otherwise binds the University and another party to obligations, regardless of any monetary amount or the name of the document. The following are two main types of contracts and their respective examples:
  1. Zero-dollar (nonprocurement) Contracts are agreements and contracts between two parties that do not include the expenditure of funds or are revenue-generating, except grants managed by the SPARC Office. Examples include: Memorandums of Understanding, Affiliation Agreements, Rental Agreements (parties renting space from 91ɬÂþ), Revenue Agreements, etc.
  2. Procurement Contracts are contracts that include an expenditure of funds, regardless of amount. Examples include: independent contractor, speaker/entertainers, software, consultants, rental agreements (91ɬÂþ renting space from an external party), maintenance agreements, etc.
Contracting Unit
The 91ɬÂþ office that is responsible for and needs the contract at issue to carry out their University duties.
Review 91ɬÂþ Policy 5.24 Purchasing.
Information Technology
Technology hardware, software, cloud services or computing, or collection or transfer of personal data or other sensitive information by technological means; or as applicable, the Information Technology function at the University.
International Activity
Any activity conducted abroad, or which otherwise involves an international collaboration, funding or other component, that is sponsored by the University, including for example:
  • Conducting research through a university grant or contract, or otherwise at the direction of the university, in a foreign country or otherwise involving persons, materials, or natural resources in a foreign country.
  • Traveling with students in a foreign country within the scope of an 91ɬÂþ employee’s job responsibilities.
  • Setting up an office or leasing space in a foreign country.
  • Contracting or otherwise collaborating with a foreign government or private entity.
  • Making or receiving payments from a foreign entity.
  • Training persons in foreign countries.
The furnishing of labor, time, effort, or expertise by a third party that does not involve the delivery of a specific end product, other than reports. Excluded from this for purposes of this policy are employment agreements with University employees.
University Administrator
Employees who make decisions on behalf of the University.