Writing Across the Curriculum PLC

CTI and Writing Across the Curriculum will work together to present a series of Writing Workshops in the Fall 2024 semester to help you incorporate more writing or to better manage the writing you already do in your courses. Each training will incorporate:

  • Pedagogical References (at least one article and sometimes additional resources)
  • Access to the Writing Across the Curriculum Canvas Course with additional resources
  • Opportunities for assignment creation, revision, or assessment
  • Feedback from experienced writing faculty and colleagues across campus

You may attend one or all sessions. 


Writing Workshop 1: Student Writing Concerns

When and Where: September 4th, 2:00 pm, BH 121/123

This workshop will address concerns that students have about writing in addition to concerns professor’s have about their students' writing. We will examine what writing takes place in the General Education English Classes and how that can be reinforced in discipline specific classes. Participants will get an opportunity to set goals and standards for their own class and discipline based on this knowledge.

Writing Workshop 2: Writing to Learn

Presenters: Joy Sterrantino and Jennifer Sorensen

When and Where: September 11th, 2:00 pm, BH 121/123

This workshop will help participants see the value in Writing to Learn in addition to the more commonly used Writing to Evaluate. We will examine multiple avenues and opportunities to include Writing to Learn across the disciplines. Participants will get to create their own Writing to Learn activity.

Writing Workshop 3: Writing Assignment Scaffolding

Presenters: Jodi Corser & Alexis Taylor

When and Where: September 18th, 2:00 pm, Place  BH 121/123

This workshop will help participants learn to scaffold assignments so that the writing skills build on one another, resulting in better quality assignments from students. This training will also help participants see the multiple skills used in creating a writing assignment for their individual classes and be encouraged to break it down to manageable steps – using observations and skills from both the Student Writing Concerns and Writing to Learn Workshops.

Writing Workshop 4: Assignment Design

Presenters: Eric Morrow & Charla Strosser

When and Where: September 25th, 2:00 pm, Place  BH 121/123

This workshop will help participants design a major writing assignment. We will approach this from a practical approach (e.g. What formal elements are required? What discipline specific conventions do your students need to know about?) and a more theoretical approach (What are the learning outcomes you want to achieve? How will this assignment help students understand a concept or engage in critical thinking?). We will also talk about how assignment design may coincide with preparing students for the work and providing them with clear resources and evaluation criteria.

Writing Workshop 5: Assessment (Paper Grading and Norming)

Presenters: Charla Strosser & Nicole Dib

When and Where: October 2nd, 2:00 pm, Place  BH 121/123

This workshop will focus on some basic strategies for assessment – specifically holistic grading and norming. We will discuss some of the pedagogical arguments underpinning most writing instructors approaches to grading writing and how that might be extrapolated across other disciplines. We will also practice norming student papers to get a better understanding of where students may be performing as writers when they leave ENGL 1010 or ENGL 2010. Participants will have an opportunity to both practice assessment and evaluate their own assessment practices in response to student writing.

Writing Workshop 6: Assessment (Ungrading and Rubrics)

Presenters: Merry Gravett and Alexis Taylor

When and Where: October 9th, 2:00 pm, Place  BH 121/123

This workshop will dive deeper into assessment by looking at two common approaches to grading–ungrading and rubric assessment–particularly how these approaches have been used to grade writing assignments. Participants will gain a broader understanding of these assessment tools and see how they are implemented across a semester. This workshop will build on the Assignment Design and previous Assessment Workshops.


The Center for Teaching Innovation