About the Office of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)


The Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Compliance, and Safety serves to prevent harm, protect life, and preserve resources by assisting with the identification, analysis, and management of the University's uncertainties.


The Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Compliance, and Safety will be a valued partner in assisting the 91ɬÂþ community in the fulfillment of its mission, goals, and objectives through a culture of holistic risk awareness and university-wide involvement.

ERM Core Values

Honor in the Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Compliance, and Safety means that we can be relied upon to keep any commitments we make.  

As trustworthy campus partners, we will be transparent and demonstrate integrity in working with the campus community. At times, interactions with the campus community will require candid communication in which we will exhibit the highest levels of professionalism. 

Honor is an action verb; we take accountability for our actions. We will actively seek opportunities to improve our character and responsibly fulfill commitments.

Creativity is one of the major building blocks in the Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Compliance, and Safety. As an office, our resourceful thinking allows us to look beyond conventional boundaries and come up with creative solutions to complex challenges.

By encouraging creativity, we are able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and ultimately foster a culture of forward-thinking and problem-solving. In our office, creativity is not only a valued trait, but it’s also an essential tool in building a rational and trusted risk management plan for each new scenario.

We firmly believe that partnership is a fundamental principle and a cornerstone of 91ɬÂþ’s Enterprise Risk Management program. We recognize that collaboration and open communication with our campus partners are paramount in a rapidly evolving risk landscape. By fostering strong partnerships, we enhance our ability to identify, assess, and mitigate University risks effectively.

Through proactive engagement with stakeholders, sharing of insights, and building strong alliances, we fortify the University’s resilience and create a culture where everyone actively contributes to safeguarding our shared future.

The Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Compliance, and Safety considers competency an essential component of our core values. As a result, we foster a culture of continuous learning and expertise, ensuring that our team is well-equipped to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.

By nurturing the skills and knowledge of our team, we can confidently assist campus partners in addressing evolving risks, making informed decisions, and upholding the highest ethical standards. We recognize that our collective competence empowers us to thrive and achieve long-term success.