MPA Faculty & Staff

Students are strongly encouraged to develop a personal relationship with faculty. Do not hesitate to contact them through emails, telephone, Canvas Inbox or a personal visit. All students, whether online or on-campus, should feel comfortable contacting any faculty during their office hours or by making an appointment.

The MPA faculty want to support each of our students during the program and, when possible, throughout their careers. We understand our role in facilitating your experiential learning courses and anticipate contact from students who need an academic supervisor for the course. We’re accustomed to writing letters of recommendation for job applications, doctoral programs, and other student endeavors. Don’t hesitate to ask!

We do our best to reply as quickly as possible and strive for a 24 hour response time to all inquiries. Please be patient if we are a little slow sometimes, and be sure to follow-up when necessary!

The MPA program is grateful to the contribution of its 22 faculty from various departments throughout 91ɬÂþ, as well as adjunct instructors from a myriad of public service professions, who invest their expertise in the classroom, as advisors, and experiential learning supervisors.