91ɬÂþ Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #6.49
SUBJECT: Undergraduate Graduation Requirements


This Policy establishes undergraduate requirements for graduation, including student honors.


  1. Southern Utah University Policy 6.8 Development and Revision of Curriculum and General Education
  2. Southern Utah University Policy 6.13 Grading
  3. Southern Utah University Policy 6.31 Academic Standards
  4. Southern Utah University Policy 6.47 Transfer Credits
  5. Utah System of Higher Education
  6. Utah System of Higher Education


  1. Degree Type: A classification for the kind of academic credential awarded at the undergraduate level. For example, a Bachelor of Arts is a different Degree Type than a Bachelor of Fine Arts.
  2. Double Major: A simultaneous program of study that combines two (2) distinct baccalaureate Majors within the same Degree Type.
  3. Dual Degree: A simultaneous program of study that combines two (2) distinct baccalaureate Majors with different Degree Types.
  4. General Education: A broad program of study comprised of specifically designated courses in Core and Knowledge Areas. Requirements are outlined in Utah System of Higher Education Policy R470.
  5. Major: A focused area of study in a Utah System of Higher Education-approved discipline that is nationally classified by the U.S. Department of Education. A baccalaureate Major requires a minimum of 30 credit hours. An associate Major does not have a minimum number of required credit hours.
  6. Minor: A focused area of study in a Utah System of Higher Education-approved discipline that may only be awarded in conjunction with a baccalaureate degree. A Minor requires a minimum of 16 credit hours.
  7. Upper-Division Credits: Credit Hours earned by undergraduate students through courses that are numbered 3000-4999.


  1. Associate Degree General Requirements
    1. Degree Types
      1. 91ɬÂþ is authorized to offer associate degrees. For current associate Degree Types, see the University's General Catalog.
      2. Not all associate Degree Types are offered for all associate majors. Each degree may have specific course requirements that must be completed as outlined in the University's General Catalog.
    2. Minimum Degree Requirements: All associate degrees from 91ɬÂþ must complete the following, unless otherwise specified.
      1. A minimum of 63 credits must be completed for the A.A.S. degree. The A.A. and A.S. degrees each require a minimum of 60 credits. The A.P.E. requires 68 credits.
      2. A minimum of 24 credits must be completed from the University. Military credit, special examination, experiential credits, and credits awarded by department decision do not qualify for resident hours.
      3. For the A.A.S. and A.P.E. degrees, students must complete a minimum number of credits of the 91ɬÂþ General Education requirements in accordance with Utah System of Higher Education Policy R401 (specific details are included in the 91ɬÂþ General Catalog). Students completing the A.A. and A.S. degrees must complete all of the General Education requirements currently required for the baccalaureate degree.
        1. Some departments may require completion of specific General Education courses.
      4. A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 for all work completed from 91ɬÂþ, as well as 2.0 for a combined 91ɬÂþ/transfer overall GPA. See Policy 6.13 for how GPA is calculated and Policy 6.47 for transfer credit grading.
    3. Completed/Awarded Degree
      1. Once a student has been awarded an associate's degree, the degree title and program cannot be changed. If a student advances to earn a baccalaureate degree, grades earned toward the associate's degree will be used in calculating the GPA for the baccalaureate degree. Courses taken for the associate's degree may be repeated to improve the baccalaureate GPA.
  2. Baccalaureate General Requirements
    1. Degree Types
      1. 91ɬÂþ is authorized to offer baccalaureate degrees. For current baccalaureate Degree Types, see the University's General Catalog.
      2. Not all baccalaureate Degree Types are offered for all baccalaureate Majors. Each degree may have specific course requirements that must be completed as outlined in the University's General Catalog.
    2. Minimum Degree Requirements: All baccalaureate degrees from 91ɬÂþ must complete the following, unless otherwise specified.
      1. A minimum of 120 credit hours in courses numbered 1000 or higher.
        1. Of the minimum total of 120 credit hours, 40 credit hours must be in Upper-Division Credits.
        2. Of the minimum total of 120 credit hours, at least 30 credit hours must be completed in residence (in courses that originate from the University, either on campus or through classes offered via distance education by the University).
          1. A minimum of 20 out of these 30 credit hours must be completed in Upper-Division Credits, of which at least 10 credit hours must be completed in courses required by the student's Major.
          2. Military credit, special examination, experiential credits, and credits awarded by department decision do not qualify for resident credits.
          3. Each Major may have residency requirements in addition to the University requirements.
      2. A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 for all work completed from the University, as well as a combined overall GPA of 2.0, must be attained; some Majors and Minors may require a higher GPA.
      3. Completion of 91ɬÂþ General Education, Major (or composite Major), and/or Minor coursework.
    3. Requirements for a Double Major
      1. Students may pursue two (2) different baccalaureate Majors within the same Degree Type by declaring those Majors. A student may be allowed to pursue a Double Major within a single academic department unless prohibited by the department.
        1. The Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in General Studies is a stand-alone credential and may not be one of the baccalaureate Majors used in a Double Major.
      2. A student seeking a Double Major will be required to meet all of the requirements outlined in Section IV.B.2. and must possess a minimum of 60 unduplicated credit hours in the Double Major.
      3. One (1) diploma listing both Majors will be awarded if both Majors require the same baccalaureate Degree Type. Students who declare two (2) Majors with different baccalaureate Degree Types will fall under a Dual Degree (see Section IV.B.4.).
      4. If a student graduates with a single Major in a semester prior to completing the second Major, the policy and regulations concerning a Second Baccalaureate Degree will then apply (see Section IV.B.7.).
    4. Requirement for a Dual Degree
      1. Students may pursue two (2) different baccalaureate Degree Types by declaring a Major within each Degree Type, unless prohibited by department policy.
        1. The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Bachelor of General Studies are stand-alone Degree Types and may not be combined with another Degree Type for a Dual Degree.
      2. A student seeking a Dual Degree will be required to meet all of the requirements outlined in Section IV.B.2. and must possess a minimum of 60 unduplicated credit hours between the Majors.
      3. Two (2) individual diplomas listing each Major will be awarded (e.g., a B.A. in English on the first diploma and a B.S. in Biology on the second diploma). Students who declare two (2) Majors with the same baccalaureate Degree Type will fall under a Double Major (see section IV.B.3).
      4. If a student graduates with a single degree in a semester prior to completing the requirements for the second degree, the policy and regulations concerning a Second Baccalaureate Degree will then apply. (See Section IV.B.7.)
    5. Honors at Graduation
      1. Candidates for graduation may receive honors in relation to their academic achievement. Honors are based on the cumulative GPA and will have the appropriate designation indicated on transcripts and diplomas.
        1. GPA criteria for honors in a baccalaureate degree program are Summa Cum Laude (3.8 or higher) and Magna Cum Laude (3.6 – 3.799).
        2. The Honors Program awards University Honors. To attain University Honors, a student must complete the program requirements as outlined in the University's General Catalog.
    6. Completed/Awarded Degree
      1. Once a student has been awarded a baccalaureate degree, no factors related to that degree can be changed. Courses cannot be repeated to improve the GPA. Majors or Minors cannot be added.
    7. Second Baccalaureate Degree
      1. The first baccalaureate degree must have been previously conferred by an accredited or otherwise recognized college or university.
      2. A minimum of 30 credits beyond the first baccalaureate degree must be earned from 91ɬÂþ. The requirements of the Major associated with the second baccalaureate degree may be fulfilled by a combination of previous coursework and the required additional 30 credits.
      3. A Minor may be required for a second baccalaureate degree as specified by the Major department.
      4. Additionally:
        1. Foreign Language Requirement: If the first degree is not a Bachelor of Arts degree and the second baccalaureate degree is to be a Bachelor of Arts, the current 91ɬÂþ foreign language requirement must be met by some combination of courses taken as part of the first baccalaureate degree and/or courses taken in conjunction with the second degree.
        2. Science Requirement: If the first degree is not a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and the second baccalaureate degree is to be a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the current 91ɬÂþ science requirement must be met by some combination of courses taken as part of the first baccalaureate degree and/or courses taken in conjunction with the second degree.
      5. The General Education requirements associated with the second baccalaureate degree shall be considered satisfied if the first baccalaureate degree was conferred by an accredited or otherwise recognized college or university.
  3. Certificates: General Requirements
    1. Certificate Types
      1. 91ɬÂþ offers the following types of undergraduate certificates: Certificates of Completion, Certificates of Proficiency, and Institutional Certificates.
    2. Minimum Certificate Requirements
      1. A Certificate of Completion requires a minimum of 30 credits and typically does not exceed 33 credits. A Certificate of Proficiency requires 16 to 29 credits. An Institutional Certificate may be credit-bearing or non-credit-bearing, but may not exceed 29 credits if credit-bearing.
      2. For Certificates of Completion, students must complete a minimum number of credits of the 91ɬÂþ General Education requirements in accordance with Utah System of Higher Education Policy R401 (specific details are included in the 91ɬÂþ General Catalog). Certificates of Proficiency may include General Education courses but they are not required.
      3. Certificates of Completion and Certificates of Proficiency may not include Upper-Division Credits nor any prerequisite courses, conditions, or degrees for admission to the certificate(s).
      4. A minimum of 9 credit hours must be completed from the University for Certificates of Completion and Certificates of Proficiency. Military credit, special examination, experiential credits, and credits awarded by department decision do not qualify for resident credits.
    3. Special Considerations for Institutional Certificates
      1. Institutional Certificates do not require proposal and approval through the University Curriculum process as outlined in Policy 6.8. Any University department, organization, or division may offer a non-credit-bearing Institutional Certificate, but any credit-bearing Institutional Certificate must be sponsored by an academic College/School. (Each College/School is responsible for developing its own process for approving Institutional Certificates.)
      2. Non-credit-bearing Institutional Certificates should require an investment of time and effort by the participant appropriate to the subject matter but should not exceed more than 900 clock hours' worth of work.
      3. Institutional Certificates will appear on a student's Continuing Education transcript upon completion of the certificate. The department, organization, or division that offers the Institutional Certificate is responsible for tracking students' enrollment in the certificate and for notifying the Registrar’s Office when students have completed the requirements.
      4. Institutional Certificates are not eligible for Federal financial aid as a stand-alone credential.



The responsible office for this Policy is the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. For questions about graduation requirements and the graduation process, contact the Office of the Registrar.


Date Approved: January 28, 2005

Amended: January 30, 2006; November 29, 2007; March 22, 2013; December 4, 2019; April 27, 2023