Academic Program Review Committee

Charge: The APRC oversees the process of Seven-Year or Five-Year academic College/School reviews and Three-Year Follow-Up Reports for newly approved academic programs. The committee's focus is to monitor and improve the quality of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, as well as evaluate the need for and cost effectiveness of the programs and their alignment to institutional academic plans and the 91ɬÂþ Strategic Plan. The APRC shall make recommendations to the Provost regarding the College/School and its academic programs, including human, physical, and financial resources.

The APRC is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 6.41.


Festival of Excellence Organizers


General Education Committee

Charge: The GEC is responsible for providing quality and oversight of all of the General Education courses offered at 91ɬÂþ, and it is expected to ensure compliance with state-mandated policies on General Education and alignment with 91ɬÂþ's strategic and academic plans.

The GEC is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 6.8.

GEC Responsibilities

  • Work with faculty, staff, and students to ensure 91ɬÂþ offers and maintains a comprehensive, assessable, and dynamic General Education program that meets the agreed upon institutional learning outcomes and goals.
  • Develop and coordinate the GEC's operation in cooperation with the University Curriculum Committee (UCC).
  • Provide oversight of the General Education courses offered at 91ɬÂþ.
  • Work with the Center of Teaching Innovation (CTI) to help support faculty teaching effectiveness in General Education courses.

Graduate Council

The role of the Graduate Council is to support high-quality graduate education, working as an advisory body to the Deans' Council on matters of graduate education, academic excellence, and the needs of graduate learners. The Graduate Council consists of the Program Directors from each graduate degree program, and is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 6.18, Policy 6.60, Policy 6.61, Policy 6.62, Policy 6.63, and Policy 6.64.


Honors Program Faculty Council

The Honors Program and Council is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 13.30.


Institutional Review Board

The IRB is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 6.20.


Library Committee

The Library Committee is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 13.13.


Program and Course Fee Committee

Charge: This committee consists of the Provost, two Deans appointed by the Provost, two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate President, a Financial Services representative, a Student Affairs representative, and the Academic Vice President of 91ɬÂþSA.

The Program and Course Fee Committee is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 6.42.


University Curriculum Committee

The University Curriculum Committee is governed by 91ɬÂþ Policy 6.8.


University Promotion & Tenure Committee

Charge: Review applications for Promotion & Tenure (sabbatical leave, rank advancement, tenure) for the current academic year in accordance with current P&T policy, review and report on effectiveness of current P&T policy, and collect and file the approved department and College/School P&T committee composition policies along with committee members' names. Members serve a three-year term; there is one tenured representative from each College/School and one tenured at-large representative. Upon standing request, by the April 1st of each year, the Provost's Office notifies the Dean of each College/School about vacancies on the University Promotion & Tenure Committee. By the last day in April, Deans provide the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the appropriate representative from the Provost's Office with a roster of faculty serving on this committee for the next academic year. The Faculty Senate President assigns one member of the committee to serve as Chair.

The University P&T Committee is governed by