TimelyCare, Togetherall, and TAO are available to benefitted faculty and staff and can be found on the Mental Health Page.

Timely Care provides 9 sessions per academic year to every student, faculty, and staff, at the University. Employees also have access to mental health care through 91ɬÂþ's Employee Assistance Program.


  • Avoiding people, classes, and or events
  • Having a difficult time managing emotions
  • Feeling a lack of energy or motivation
  • Changing behavior in significant and negative ways
  • Feeling like no one cares or can understand what they are going through
  • Sleeping/eating too much or too little
  • Starting to use unhealthy coping strategies
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Feelings of being overwhelmed/ doubting their ability to take care of themselves


  • A preexisting mental health diagnosis
  • Completely neglecting their school, work, or other life responsibilities
  • Frequently expressing anger towards others
  • Using alcohol or drugs excessively
  • Relying on existing relationships to address their mental health needs instead of professional help
  • Thoughts of helplessness or hopelessness
  • Engaging in self-harming behaviors (cutting, burring, bruising)
  • Completely withdrawing from activities that usually bring them joy
  • Disconnecting from their friends and family


  • Talking about suicide or dying
  • Planning on harming themselves or others
  • Being harmed by others
  • Harassing or bullying others
  • Expressing themselves violently in words/actions
  • Feel the need to carry a weapon
  • Feel like giving up or there is no hope that things will get better
  • Feeling like a burden to others


Student Outreach and Support