Human Values Certificate

The Human Values Certificate promotes dialogue on ideas which best exemplify the human condition and the values which help to define it. Students will take two courses which explore a theme presented by the annual Tanner Lecturer in Human Values while studying that concept in various critical and literary texts. These courses are required for the Human Values Certificate in addition to six credits of electives as designated in the catalog.

Certificate Information

Undergraduate students who complete the certificate program are eligible to apply for the full-tuition Tanner Scholarship or the half-tuition Tanner Fellowship. One scholar and up to two Fellows will be chosen each year.

Alumni Testimonial

“As an interdisciplinary student in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the human values certificate proved to be a valuable source of learning that rounded out my education perfectly. I am fascinated by the human condition and its complexities and intricacies. This certificate gave me everything I was looking for and more. I couldn't recommend it enough!”

- Nathan Anderson, 2023 Grace A. Tanner Student Fellow


Grace A. Tanner Center for Human Values