Tutoring Center Feedback

Please leave us feedback to let us know how we are doing! You can also read testimonials from other students below the form.

Reviews from Students

"I have had countless many good experiences in the tutoring center with so many different individuals...it is my opinion that the tutoring center is phenomenal. I can always trust that the tutors are top notch, the availabilities are spread out enough to accommodate my crazy schedule, and the changes for COVID have been handled incredibly efficiently (the online tutoring worked flawlessly). I'd like to mention that I do have the experience of being tutored at [another university] to compare against, and 91ɬÂþ is crushing it. Thank you!

"The Tutoring Center is amazing. I highly recommend it to everyone on campus. The energy and willingness of the tutors to help fellow students with their schoolwork are incredible."

"I use to spend multiple hours struggling to get my homework done causing me to get behind in my other courses. Now, I go to the Tutoring Center and cut down those hours tremendously. This has given me more time to myself as well as to study and prepare for my other courses rather than spend time on a problem that could easily be resolved at the Tutoring Center."

"I love the tutoring center. I would have already failed math without it. It's one of the best parts about 91ɬÂþ."

"The tutors explained the material very clearly and were very kind to me even when I asked a billion questions."

"I really like that it's other students there to help who have been in your shoes, and not some professional who is totally intimidating and a complete genius like some professors seem. They're helpful and more often than not, can explain things in a way that makes sense."

"The tutors don't tell you the answers, they lead you to the answer. They are so patient and kind."

"Incredibly grateful for the tutors at the tutoring center who are very patient and encouraging.. and if they don't get something they ask! Everyone is so positive and uplifting. I'm incredibly grateful for them. SHOUT OUT TO STATS MATH TUTORS! YOU ARE A TENDER MERCY AND RAY OF SUNSHINE TO MY DAY!!"