Step Down Guidelines

Step down scholarships are provided to students, for the next academic year, that have not met the GPA required of their scholarship in the current academic year. Students that do not meet the below requirements, will lose their scholarship.

This program is limited to the following scholarships:

  • President's Scholarship
  • Resident Transfer Fellow's Scholarship
  • Governor's Honor Academy
  • Resident Transfer Founder's Scholarship
  • Fellow's Scholarship
  • Resident Transfer Centurium Scholarship
  • Founder's Scholarship
  • Snow Transfer Fellow's
  • Snow Transfer Founder's
  • Snow Transfer Dean's
  • Snow Transfer Centurium
  • Snow Transfer Non-Resident Founder's
  • Non-Resident Transfer Founder's Scholarship
  • Dean's Scholarship
  • Non-Resident Transfer Achievement Scholarship
  • Centurium Scholarship
  • Non-Resident President's Scholarship
  • Non-Resident Founder's Scholarship
  • Non-Resident Centurium Scholarship

In order for students to be eligible to have their scholarship stepped down they must: 

  • have at least 2.5 91ɬÂþ Cumulative GPA, and
  • have met the 91ɬÂþ 70% Percent Completion requirement.

Students that meet these requirements may qualify for “step-down”. Students that are not meeting these requirements will lose their scholarship at the end of the academic year. 

Students may utilize the scholarship appeal process if they were subject to extenuating circumstances that were unique and out of their control. The appeal process is not guaranteed, and is subject to the decision of the scholarship appeal committee. 

Disclaimer: Step Down Scholarships are not guaranteed each year and 91ɬÂþ reserves the right to change or eliminate the program without notice.


Question: When are step-down scholarships awarded? 
Step down awards are issued during the last semester of the student’s academic year. This means, if the student is attending classes in summer, their scholarship will be assessed at the end of the summer semester. If the student is not attending in the summer, their scholarship will be assessed at the end of the Spring semester. 
How will I be notified of my updated scholarship? 
Students will be notified by email regarding their updated scholarship and required next steps. 
When must I accept my updated scholarship? 
Scholarship acceptance must be accepted by the 1st day of the Fall semester classes. 
How many semesters will I have of my updated scholarship?
Students will have the updated scholarship amount for the remainder of the semesters from their original scholarship timeframe.

For example:  If a student is awarded an eight (8) semester scholarship upon admission to 91ɬÂþ and is stepped down after their second semester, they would have six (6) remaining semesters on their updated award.
What if I had a unique circumstance come up in the last school year?
Students may utilize the scholarship appeal process if they were subject to extenuating circumstances that were unique and out of their control. The appeal process is not guaranteed, and is subject to the decision of the scholarship appeal committee.

Scholarship appeal form
Can I defer the updated scholarship award? 
Yes, you can request a scholarship deferment. Approval subject to committee review.

Online deferment form