Cultural Immersion Trips

Students in the Utah Health Scholars program have the opportunity to participate in cultural immersion trips, offered several times a year. These trips, to both international and domestic locations, provide essential healthcare services to underserved populations. Current trip destinations include the Dominican Republic, Montana, Salt Lake City, and the Four Corners region. Utah Health Scholars collaborates with various non-profit organizations at each location, allowing students to conduct health screenings, shadow healthcare providers, and engage in volunteer work.

Scholarships & Funding

Trips range in cost from $850 to $2,500, which covers programming, travel, lodging, and most food. Additional costs may include food for travel, immunizations, and passports. Most students are able to successfully raise funds from business donations, private donations,, and personal fundraising. 

Registration & Requirements

Students can pay their deposit online (or full amount) to save their space. All trip participants must attend pre-trip meetings, which cover details on safety, travel, logistics, culture, and language.

Student Testimonial on Fundraising

"I wanted to attend the Four Corners and Dominican Republic trips to learn as much as I could about pharmacy, gain healthcare knowledge, and experience the world around me. I knew during these trips I would see the challenges faced by rural communities. I fundraised for both of these trips, since I did not have the money to pay for them myself. First, I asked businesses for donations, explaining to them what the trip was about. Second, my mother and I did a bake sale (which we put on Facebook and explained what the money would go towards). People even placed orders that day! Through these methods, I paid for both of my trips in full. It was a lot of hard work, but it paid off!

On these trips, I gained valuable experience and knowledge that I will use during my career to be an exceptional pharmacist. I also learned life lessons and gained gratitude for what we have in the United States. I am very grateful for these trips because they gave me an edge in applying to pharmacy school. In addition, I made great friendships with those I served and served with. If I could go again, I would do it in a heartbeat. It is an amazing experience I will never forget."

-Four Corners and Dominican Republic participant, Southern Utah University


Past Student Experiences

"Because of this trip I have decided to make mission trips a part of my life for the rest of it. Also I decided I want to go back next year!"

-Dominican Republic participant, Southern Utah University

"This service trip enhanced my commitment and motivation for health care. Everyone should, at least once, go on a cultural immersion trip to see the need for health care in other places than your home town. Look for a trip that will put you out of your comfort zone."

-Las Vegas participant, Utah Tech University

"All we did was laugh. No matter what, there was always laughter. Dominicans know how to be funny. We played, we ate, we cracked each other up. We had to catch up on our sleep when we got home. Health care isn't just about fixing what's wrong. Its about caring for one another too."

-Dominican Republic participant, Southern Utah University